Fox moview review app created at INCODE BOOTCAMP
This is a simple web app which allows users to rate their favourite movie. As it is created as a learning project it may have some issues and vulnerabilities. It is not complete yet so I haven't hosted it anywhere but I have explained about it here in this video.
To run this project on your machine
- git clone
- cd rate_mv_project_5
- npm install
- rename .envsampple to .env and add user, password, host, port, dbName based on your machine. There is an example if you want to see.
- npm run create_db
- npm run create_tables
- Start server(node app.js)
To use this web app simply visit the localhost at same port where this app is listening. If you'd like to see rating feature you can create a new account by going to signup.
- PostgreSQL - Database
- Express - Server Framework
- EJS - View Engine
- NodeJs - Server Environment
- TMDB API - Third Party API
- Work on responsiveness of the site.
- Improve login and register form validations.