Denomchain based on Celestia Rollkit is created to register IBC denoms using the original information. It was created because a lot of developers had difficulties recognizing IBC token denoms in the Cosmos ecosystem.
# clone
git clone && cd denomchain && git checkout v0.1.0 && make install
# check version
denomchaind version
# pre-requirement, running celestia bridge node
celestia light start --core.ip --gateway --gateway.addr --gateway.port 26659 blockspacerace
# start running denomchain node
NAMESPACE_ID=$(openssl rand -hex 8)
DA_BLOCK_HEIGHT=$(curl http://localhost:26657/block | jq -r '.result.block.header.height')
denomchaind start \
--rollkit.aggregator true \
--rollkit.da_layer celestia \
--rollkit.da_config='{"base_url":"http://localhost:26659","timeout":60000000000,"fee":6000,"gas_limit":6000000}' \
--rollkit.namespace_id $NAMESPACE_ID \
--rollkit.da_start_height $DA_BLOCK_HEIGHT
-- Transaction --
denomchaind tx denomservice [flags]
denomchaind tx denomservice [command]
Available Commands:
set-denom Broadcast message setDenom
-- Query --
denomchaind query denomservice [flags]
denomchaind query denomservice [command]
Available Commands:
list-denom list all denom
params shows the parameters of the module
show-denom shows a denom
# index: (chain-id/ibc/hex-codes)
# Usage: denomchaind tx denomservice set-denom [index] [port] [channel] [origin-denom]
# Example
denomchaind tx denomservice set-denom "cosmoshub-4/ibc/14f9bc3e44b8a9c1be1fb08980fab87034c9905ef17cf2f5008fc085218811cc" transfer channel-141 uosmo
# index: (chain-id/ibc/hex-codes)
# Usage: denomchaind query denomservice show-denom [index]
# Example
denomchaind q denomservice show-denom "cosmoshub-4/ibc/14f9bc3e44b8a9c1be1fb08980fab87034c9905ef17cf2f5008fc085218811cc"
>>> Expected Result
channel: channel-141
index: cosmoshub-4/ibc/14f9bc3e44b8a9c1be1fb08980fab87034c9905ef17cf2f5008fc085218811cc
originDenom: uosmo
port: transfer
# Usage: denomchaind query denomservice list-denom
denomchaind q denomservice list-denom