Contributors: Jeradin, jmslbam, patrickhafner
Tags: acf, acf add-on, website url, website title
Requires at least: 4.0
Tested up to: 4.0
Stable tag: 4.3
License: GPLv2 or later
Adds a Website Field to Advanced Custom Fields. Select if link should be an external link, if it should show title or the url.
This works with ACF 4 and ACF5 / ACF5Pro.
This is an add-on for the Advanced Custom Fields WordPress plugin and will not provide any functionality to WordPress unless Advanced Custom Fields is installed and activated.
The Website field gives a few basic options:
- Show / Hide Title (if checked to No, than the website URL will show on the front end and the title field will not be shown in the admin)
- Open in Current Window - default will make all URLs open a new browser window for external sites. ( if checked to Yes, than the admin section will have a checkbox to specify if the link should open the current window.)
- Return array instead of Link - default will return a formatted URL with option to return as an array.
The Website Field plugin needs to be added to your themes. Download the zip file and upload as any Wordpress plugin.
<?php the_field('website')?>
will output:
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
or this (if you select title option):
<a href="" target="_blank">Catalog</a>
or this (if you select current window option):
<a href="">Example</a>
If you have the field return an array:
array(3) {
["title"]=> "Example"
["url"]=> ""
["external"]=> "1"
Q: I've activated the plugin, but nothing happens!
A: Make sure you have Advanced Custom Fields installed and
activated. This is not a standalone plugin for WordPress, it only adds additional functionality to Advanced Custom Fields.
- Website Field.
- Front End View.
- Fixed settings for 5.1 2.0
- Removed Auto github updater bundle, best to install their plugin :
- Moved validation to the admin section, added HTML5 validation along with basic URL validation.
- Added placeholder text thanks @chellman
- Now works with ACF4 & ACF5 thanks @patrickhafner
- Fixed display of field in seamless mode
- Fixed issue with target link and some wording updates
- Fixed issue when field was required
- Replaced with better auto updater code
- Bug fixes
- Bug fixes
- Fixing blank website fields.
- Can now return array instead of formatted link.
- Auto Update from github!
- Merged fixes from jmslbam
- -slight cleanup
- Fixed bugs
- -trailing urls
- -not howing up in the admin
- -other cleanup
- Made it an uploadable plugin
- Updated code for ACF 4.0
- Initial Release