A simple way to do multiprocessing for data that pickle can't handle. Rely on dill and is a bit clunky, but its fair work.
This is how it works :
from BruteMP import MPWorker
import geopandas as gpd
import math
#loading some data
AD = gpd.read_file(Root+"/SelectedAD.shp")
#split the data in parts
Parts = [AD.iloc[0:1500],AD.iloc[1500:len(AD)]]
#definign a function for apply in geopandas
def Calculus(Feat) :
return math.log(Feat["geometry"].area/1000)
#definign the function to pass to worker
def Execution(Data) :
Data,Calculus = Data
return Data.apply(Calculus,axis=1)
##define a folder for temporary files
Worker = MPWorker("I:/Python/_____GitProjects/BruteMP/Tests")
##add a job to your worker (a function and some data)
##specify the libs that your worker will need to load
Worker.Libs = ["math"]
##check if your jobs can be done and prepare local files
##run the jobs : note, if you have a infinite loop in you jobs, its your problem
##Get the final results as a list
Results = Worker.CollectResults()
##Clean all the temporary files