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Bump JetBrains/qodana-action from 2024.2.6 to 2024.3.2 (#255) #582

Bump JetBrains/qodana-action from 2024.2.6 to 2024.3.2 (#255)

Bump JetBrains/qodana-action from 2024.2.6 to 2024.3.2 (#255) #582

GitHub Actions / Unit Tests Report: Gradle 8.10.2 @ Linux succeeded Dec 12, 2024 in 0s

77 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped

Tests passed successfully

Report Passed Failed Skipped Time
test-results/test/TEST-org.jetbrains.changelog.ChangelogPluginExtensionTest.xml 23✅ 3s
test-results/test/TEST-org.jetbrains.changelog.ChangelogPluginTest.xml 3✅ 76ms
test-results/test/TEST-org.jetbrains.changelog.ExtensionsTest.xml 3✅ 5ms
test-results/test/TEST-org.jetbrains.changelog.tasks.GetChangelogTaskTest.xml 14✅ 10s
test-results/test/TEST-org.jetbrains.changelog.tasks.InitializeChangelogTaskTest.xml 7✅ 1s
test-results/test/TEST-org.jetbrains.changelog.tasks.PatchChangelogTaskTest.xml 27✅ 4s

✅ test-results/test/TEST-org.jetbrains.changelog.ChangelogPluginExtensionTest.xml

23 tests were completed in 3s with 23 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
org.jetbrains.changelog.ChangelogPluginExtensionTest 23✅ 3s

✅ org.jetbrains.changelog.ChangelogPluginExtensionTest

✅ returns change notes for the v1_0_0 version of changelog that use CRLF
✅ getUnreleased() returns Upcoming section if unreleasedTerm is customised
✅ checks if the given version exists in the changelog
✅ returns changelog description
✅ returns change notes for the v1_0_0 version
✅ parses changelog into structured sections
✅ throws MissingVersionException if requested version is not available
✅ splits change notes into a list by the given itemPrefix
✅ return change notes without summary
✅ parses header with custom format containing version and date
✅ returns Changelog items for change note without category
✅ getUnreleased() returns Unreleased section
✅ returns all Changelog items
✅ provide a custom sectionUrlBuilder
✅ applies new changelog introduction
✅ return null for non-existent version
✅ filters out entries from the change notes for the given version
✅ parses changelog with custom format
✅ return change notes for version with custom headerParserRegex
✅ returns latest change note
✅ returns change notes without group sections if not present
✅ render changelog that use CRLF
✅ allows to customize the header parser regex to match version in different format than semver

✅ test-results/test/TEST-org.jetbrains.changelog.ChangelogPluginTest.xml

3 tests were completed in 76ms with 3 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
org.jetbrains.changelog.ChangelogPluginTest 3✅ 76ms

✅ org.jetbrains.changelog.ChangelogPluginTest

✅ throws VersionNotSpecifiedException when changelog extension has no version provided
✅ default properties values
✅ tasks availability

✅ test-results/test/TEST-org.jetbrains.changelog.ExtensionsTest.xml

3 tests were completed in 5ms with 3 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
org.jetbrains.changelog.ExtensionsTest 3✅ 5ms

✅ org.jetbrains.changelog.ExtensionsTest

✅ reformat changelog
✅ normalize string line separator
✅ dateTest

✅ test-results/test/TEST-org.jetbrains.changelog.tasks.GetChangelogTaskTest.xml

14 tests were completed in 10s with 14 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
org.jetbrains.changelog.tasks.GetChangelogTaskTest 14✅ 10s

✅ org.jetbrains.changelog.tasks.GetChangelogTaskTest

✅ returns change notes with summary and links for the latest released version
✅ returns the Unreleased change notes
✅ returns change notes without summary for the latest released version
✅ returns change notes without links for the latest released version
✅ get changelog with CR line separator
✅ returns the Unreleased change notes without empty sections
✅ fails with Integer set to headerParserRegex
✅ returns change notes without header for the latest released version
✅ returns change notes with String set to headerParserRegex
✅ returns change notes with Pattern set to headerParserRegex
✅ get changelog with CRLF line separator
✅ returns change notes for the latest released version
✅ task loads from the configuration cache
✅ returns change notes for the version specified with CLI

✅ test-results/test/TEST-org.jetbrains.changelog.tasks.InitializeChangelogTaskTest.xml

7 tests were completed in 1s with 7 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
org.jetbrains.changelog.tasks.InitializeChangelogTaskTest 7✅ 1s

✅ org.jetbrains.changelog.tasks.InitializeChangelogTaskTest

✅ creates new changelog file
✅ creates customized changelog file
✅ doesn't throw VersionNotSpecifiedException when changelog extension has no version provided
✅ creates new changelog file with CRLF line separator
✅ creates new changelog file with CR line separator
✅ overrides existing changelog file
✅ task loads from the configuration cache

✅ test-results/test/TEST-org.jetbrains.changelog.tasks.PatchChangelogTaskTest.xml

27 tests were completed in 4s with 27 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
org.jetbrains.changelog.tasks.PatchChangelogTaskTest 27✅ 4s

✅ org.jetbrains.changelog.tasks.PatchChangelogTaskTest

✅ create empty groups for the new Unreleased section
✅ patches Unreleased version to the current one
✅ removes empty groups
✅ throws MissingReleaseNoteException when Unreleased section is not present
✅ test sorting version links
✅ throws VersionNotSpecifiedException when changelog extension has no version provided
✅ applies custom header with date
✅ keep an existing changelog title
✅ doesn't patch changelog if no change notes provided in Unreleased section
✅ remove empty groups for the new released section
✅ patches Unreleased version with custom version prefix to the current one
✅ patch with CRLF line separator
✅ preserves complex list items
✅ applies custom introduction
✅ do not break configuration cache with custom sectionUrlBuilder
✅ patched changelog contains an empty line at the end
✅ create empty custom groups for the new Unreleased section
✅ patch complex file with CRLF
✅ don't create groups for the new Unreleased section if empty array is provided
✅ do not combine pre-releases
✅ patches Unreleased version to the current one and creates empty Unreleased above
✅ update changelog title
✅ patch with CR line separator
✅ patch changelog with a custom release note
✅ applies custom header patcher
✅ combine pre-releases
✅ task loads from the configuration cache