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KT-68198 Analysis API: Support application service registration in plugin XMLs
KT-57733 Analysis API: Use optimized ModuleWithDependenciesScopes in combined symbol providers
KT-73156 AA: type retrieval for erroneous typealias crashes
KT-71907 K2 debugger evaluator failed when cannot resolve unrelated annotation
KT-69128 K2 IDE: "Unresolved reference in KDoc" reports existing Java class in reference to its own nested class
KT-71613 KaFirPsiJavaTypeParameterSymbol cannot be cast to KaFirTypeParameterSymbol
KT-71741 K2 IDE. Classifier was found in KtFile but was not found in FirFile in libraries/tools/kotlin-gradle-plugin-integration-tests/build.gradle.kts in kotlin.git and broken analysis
KT-71942 Need to rethrow Intellij Platform exceptions, like ProcessCanceledException
KT-70949 Analysis API: "containingDeclaration" does not work on nested Java classes in K2 implementation
KT-69736 K2 IDE: False positive resolution from KDoc for value
KT-69047 Analysis API: Unresolved KDoc reference to extensions with the same name
KT-74012 Redundant FirAbstractBodyResolveTransformerDispatcher.<init> CPU consumption
KT-73900 ContextCollectorVisitor#computeContext may spend significant time on createSnapshot
KT-73665 FirElementFinder is inefficient in large files
KT-73330 Remove bodies from functions without contracts after the CONTRACTS phase
KT-73017 Analysis API: FirReferenceResolveHelper.getSymbolsByResolvedImport searches for classes even when the selected FqName is a known package
KT-72308 getOrBuildFir returns null for this expression for plusAssign operator
KT-72660 ISE: Recursive update at org.jetbrains.kotlin.analysis.low.level.api.fir.caches.FirCaffeineCache.getValue
KT-74097 ISE: Recursive update at org.jetbrains.kotlin.analysis.low.level.api.fir.caches.FirCaffeineCache.getValue
KT-74098 ISE: Recursive update at org.jetbrains.kotlin.analysis.low.level.api.fir.caches.FirCaffeineCache.getValue
KT-72148 K2: KISEWA: Expected FirResolvedArgumentList for FirAnnotationCallImpl of FirValueParameterImpl(DataClassMember) but FirArgumentListImpl found
KT-73079 K2: Internal compiler error when conflicting type aliases are present
KT-73456 Expected FirResolvedContractDescription but FirRawContractDescriptionImpl found for FirSimpleFunctionImpl
KT-73259 Expected FirResolvedContractDescription but FirLegacyRawContractDescriptionImpl found for FirSimpleFunctionImpl
KT-72740 FirDanglingModifierList: lazyResolveToPhase(STATUS) cannot be called from a transformer with a phase STATUS
KT-66132 K2: FirRegularClass expected, but FirFileImpl found | Containing declaration is not found
KT-72196 K2. KMP. IllegalStateException: expect-actual matching is only possible for code with sources
KT-72652FirProvider#getContainingClass should support FirDanglingModifierSymbol
KT-73105 Lazy resolve contract violation (BODY_RESOLVE from BODY_RESOLVE)
KT-66261 K2: Analysis API: "FirDeclaration was not found for class org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.KtProperty, fir is null" with MULTIPLE_LABELS_ARE_FORBIDDEN K2 error
KT-72315 K2. KIWA on usage of always-true OR in guard condition
KT-65707 K2 IDE: unresolved calls of callables imported with typealias as qualifier
KT-61516 K2: Provide an LL FIR implementation for getContainingClassSymbol (in FirHelpers)
KT-72853 Expected FirResolvedArgumentList for FirAnnotationCallImpl of FirContextReceiverImpl(Source) but FirArgumentListImpl found
KT-64215 K2: do not resolve type annotations of receiver if it is used as an implicit return type
KT-64248 K2: do not resolve type annotations of context receiver if it is used as an implicit return type
KT-72821 Add assertion to diagnostic tests to check that all declarations have BODY_RESOLVE phase at the end
KT-64056 K2: K2: FirLazyBodiesCalculator shouldn't calculate annotation arguments on type phase
KT-71651 K2 IDE: False positive NON_LOCAL_SUSPENSION_POINT in suspend function call
KT-72164 K2. IllegalArgumentException when pre and post increment are used simultaneously in assignment
KT-72407 FirImplementationByDelegationWithDifferentGenericSignatureChecker: FirLazyExpression should be calculated before accessing
KT-72228 K2: Reformat doesn't work in project with Kotlin 2.0.21
KT-69671 TYPES phase contract violation through JavaSymbolProvider
KT-71348 K2: KotlinIllegalStateExceptionWithAttachments: 'By now the annotations argument mapping should have been resolved' during code inspection
KT-72024 FirClassVarianceChecker: Expected FirResolvedTypeRef with ConeKotlinType but was FirImplicitTypeRefImplWithoutSource
KT-71746 K2 IDE. ISE: Zero or multiple overrides found for descriptor in FirRegularClassSymbol serializing/ExternalSerializer and red code on @Serializer(forClass) ` usage
KT-64687 K2: Analysis API: migrate AbstractFirLibraryModuleDeclarationResolveTest to kotlin repo
Analysis API. Light Classes
KT-73492 K2. FP error in Java file when using @JvmSuppressWildcards annotation without arguments
KT-66763 K2: Get rid of context receivers in Analysis API and LL API
KT-71781 SLC: migrate SLC from KotlinModificationTrackerService to KotlinModificationTrackerFactory
KT-67963 K2: PsiInvalidElementAccessException on redeclaration of class with constructor
KT-71407 K2: Do not report @JvmField default value as PsiField initializer in K2
KT-72078 K2 PSI change for constructor parameter with value class type
Analysis API. Providers and Caches
KT-69247 Analysis API: Invalidate sessions after builtins modification events
KT-72704 ISE: No 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.scopes.impl.FirDelegatedMembersFilter'(53) in array owner: LLFirBuiltinsAndCloneableSession for Builtins for JS/wasm-js (JS)
KT-67148 Analysis API: Introduce a weak reference cache for the original KtSymbol in KtSymbolPointer
KT-73395 Analysis API: JavaElementPsiSourceWithSmartPointer contains strong references to PSI
KT-45452 K/N optimization: inline simple functions that aren't marked with inline keyword
KT-64898 K2: toFirProperty call in PsiRawFirBuilder forces AST loading
KT-71673 Consider making EnhancementSymbolsCache. enhancedFunctions using simple cache
KT-71973 KtPsiUtil#getEnclosingElementForLocalDeclaration shouldn't iterate over directories
KT-75965 The iOS app did not run successfully in Release mode
KT-57696 Deprecate JvmDefault annotation with level HIDDEN
KT-75578 K2: False negative [SUPER_CALL_WITH_DEFAULT_PARAMETERS] when calling the upper-class implementation of a method with the default value argument
KT-74764 Native: merge init nodes generated within the same LLVM module for the same klib
KT-75444 Contradictions in the constraint system are ignored in case of multiple constraints from forking points
KT-75649 K2: NPE on assigning platform type value to non-nullable lateinit var
KT-75483 Native: redundant unboxing generated with smart cast
KT-73028 K2. FileAnalysisException on private property in Context
KT-73937 Context parameters: IllegalArgumentException: source must not be null on lateinit var with a context
KT-74104 Native: SynchronizedLazyImpl produces NPE on 2.1.20-Beta1 on mingwX64
KT-71752 K2: Absent non-null check for platform types in assignments
KT-75526 Regression in K2 scripting: local name doesn't shadow one from the implicit receiver
KT-74929 False positive TYPE_PARAMETER_OF_PROPERTY_NOT_USED_IN_RECEIVER if it is used with T&Any
KT-74227 K2: "Cannot infer type for this parameter. Please specify it explicitly" caused by lambda in another lambda with a parameterized function type
KT-70789 CLI error "mixing legacy and modern plugin arguments is prohibited" on using -Xcompiler-plugin unless default scripting plugin is disabled
KT-73903 Design 'replaceWith' / 'test-only' kinds for the 'LanguageFeature' class
KT-74474 K2: Report more precise diagnostic when last expression of non-unit lambda is a statement
KT-74478 K2: False negative RETURN TYPE_MISMATCH if the last statement of a lambda is indexed assignment
KT-67480 K/N: a separate inlining phase after the lowerings
KT-72154 Dokka fails with not array: KClass<out Annotation> on Kotlin 2.1.20-dev with @SubclassOptInRequired
KT-72040 Extra checkers: false-positive unused parameter warnings on anonymous lambda parameters
KT-74203 K2: False negative NO_ELSE_IN_WHEN of a generic type with star projection <*> bounded by a sealed hierarchy
KT-63720 Coroutine debugger: do not optimise out local variables
KT-74024 K2: Prohibit declaring local type aliases
KT-73671 Context parameters: val/var on context parameter on a property is possible
KT-73510 Context parameters: It is possible to declare a context for init block
KT-72305 K2: Report error when using synthetic properties in case of mapped collections
KT-72429 StackOverflowError when compiling large files
KT-72500 K2 Debugger: NSME on evaluating lambda with a call to internal class field
KT-73845 K2: IllegalArgumentException during FIR2IR transformation when processing nested default values in annotations
KT-73538 K2 IDE / Kotlin Debugger: ISE βcouldn't find inline method" on evaluating internal inline function with default arg from main module in test module
KT-73347 K2: Expected is FirResolvedDeclarationStatus
KT-71226 K2 Evaluator: Code fragment compilation with unresolved classes does not fail with exception
KT-73902 Clean-up code around lateinit inline/value classes
KT-73693 K2: DslMarker checker doesn't report violation for callable reference with bound receiver
KT-73667 K2: DslMarker checker ignores function type annotations for invokeExtension
KT-72797 K2 IDE / Kotlin Debugger: AE βNo such value argument slot in IrCallImplβ on evaluating inc()-operator for private field
KT-68388 Compiler crash on convesion to fun interface with extension receiver
KT-73801 False positive CONFLICTING_OVERLOADS between base suspend fun and derived property
KT-62833 K2: Run smoke FP tests with SLOW_ASSERTIONS enabled
KT-54068 Context receivers with lambda nesting result in Type mismatch
KT-51383 Lambdas with context receivers do not accept context receivers from scope
KT-73745 Migrate modularized tests to the latest stable version
KT-70233 Implement a deprecation error for FIELD-targeted annotations on annotation properties
KT-72996 false-positive unresolved reference error on an overloaded callable reference in a lambda return position on the left-hand size of an elvis operator
KT-73791 Forbid using inline and value class modifiers together
KT-73704 [Native] Decouple KonanIrLinker from cinterop deserialization
KT-71649 K2: Put operator on mutableMap<T?, V>() causes crashes on null key
KT-72832 Erroneous implicit cast inserted by smartcast
KT-72930 K2 IDE / Kotlin Debugger: ISE βcouldn't find inline methodβ on evaluating internal inline function from main module in test module
KT-73095 K2: "Failed to find functional supertype for ConeIntersectionType"
KT-70366 K2: "KotlinIllegalArgumentExceptionWithAttachments: Failed to find functional supertype for class "
KT-73260 Rename context receivers to context parameters in frontend
KT-73375 K2/JVM: -Xuse-type-table generates incorrect metadata for local delegated properties
KT-72470 Annotations on effect declarations are unresolved
KT-72409 False negative "Type parameter is forbidden for catch parameter"
KT-72723 K2: Replace unused FIR properties required by inheritence with computed properties
KT-72246 Exception from FirReceiverAccessBeforeSuperCallChecker on red code
KT-47289 No error on companion object inside inner class in enum constructor call
KT-46120 No error reported when Java interface method is implemented by delegation to Java class where corresponding method has different generic signature
KT-72746 K2: No IR overriddens generated for Nothing.toString
KT-70389 K2: StackOverflowError at org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.resolve.calls.CreateFreshTypeVariableSubstitutorStage.shouldBeFlexible
KT-72537 [FIR Analysis] 'IllegalArgumentException: source must not be null' when typing '++++' (four pluses)
KT-74377 Kotlin Native: release executable crashes with error 139
KT-73559 K/Native: AndroidNativeArm64 linking fails starting from Kotlin 2.1.0
KT-71976 [Native][KLIB Resolve]: compilation error if libraries have the same unique_name and the strategy is allow-all-with-warning or allow-first-with-warning
Native. Build Infrastructure
KT-72063 Jars using native in their name are incompatible with JPMS
KT-73842 Gradle: AGP failing tests with "Failed to calculate the value of property 'generalConfigurationMetrics'" using KGP
KT-74394 KGP + isolated projects: "Something has been appended to this collector already"
KT-75262 Gradle test-fixtures plugin apply order breaks the project
KT-75277 FUS statistics: 'java.lang.IllegalStateException: The value for this property cannot be changed any further' exception is thrown during project import
KT-75026 Corrupted NonSynchronizedMetricsContainer in parallel Gradle build
KT-74997 Unexpected KGP warnings about kotlin scripting plugin
KT-74322 Enable source information by default in Compose compiler gradle plugin
KT-72337 kotlin-android-extensions plugin should fail the build on apply
KT-71362 KGP/JS: moduleName is not compatible with convention plugins
KT-72874 KJS: NodeJsRootExtension: "'download: Boolean' is deprecated. Use download from NodeJsExtension (not NodeJsRootExtension) instead You can find this extension after applying NodeJsPlugin. This will be removed in 2.2"
KT-72872 Js, Wasm: downloadBaseUrl in NodeJsEnvSpec could not be disabled
Tools. Gradle. Multiplatform
Performance Improvements
KT-71888 Default Target Hierarchy results in very large heap usage/OoM when resolving IDE dependencies in larger projects
KT-66542 Gradle: JVM target with withJava() produces a deprecation warning
KT-71074 Optimize Granular Metadata Dependencies Transformation for Import after adding support for Project Isolation
KT-74669 Executable binaries for JVM: a jar generated by jvmJar task isn't added to the build/install/testAppName/lib directory
KT-37964 Gradle application/distribution plugin does not copy and name jar files correctly when using installDist task for multiplatform project
KT-30878 It's impossible to have .java sources in a Multiplatform Gradle Project with Android, because android() and jvm { withJava() } targets can not be applied to one and the same Gradle Project
KT-66962 Kapt with Kotlin Multiplatform: Cannot query the value of this provider because it has no value available
KT-74898 The wording for the warning about incompatible 'application' plugin should be updated to suggest using the new binaries DSL
KT-72488 Unify freeCompilerArgs property in swiftExport and compilerArgs
KT-74727 Dependency resolve from a single target KMP module to another kmp module fails on non-found PSM
KT-75062 Remove usage of deprecated ProjectDependency.getDependencyProject
KT-71130 Enable Isolated Projects support by default for KMP
KT-74832 Relax JVM target validation diagnostic in KMP/Jvm projects
KT-57280 Expose Kotlin Project Structure metadata via consumable configurations instead of accessing all gradle projects directly
KT-72130 Gradle Project Isolation Violation in build.gradle due to KGP
KT-74298 Incorrect DSL for swift export settings under the export node
KT-73620 KMP 2.1.0: Transitive dependency is broken when setting publication groupId
KT-72112 KotlinNativeLink task fetches configuration that might not exist
KT-49155 MPP, Gradle: Cannot use test-retry-gradle-plugin with Kotlin multiplatform tests
KT-71154 Kapt tests: EXPECTED_ERROR directive is checked incorrectly
KT-71776 K2 Kapt in 2.1.0-Beta1 fails with e: java.lang.IllegalStateException: FIR symbol "class org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.symbols.impl.FirValueParameterSymbol" is not supported in constant evaluation
Tools. Maven
KT-69231 PowerAssert: Create maven plugin for power-assert
Tools. Scripts
KT-72277 Legacy REPL implementation is still based on the old backend
Tools. Wasm
KT-72157 Turn on custom formatters feature by default in development builds
KT-71361 [Wasm] Make all production-mode binaries optimised with binaryen