This is a repository to contain my solutions for the exercises of the MOOC course called Full stack open 2020. But as I have done it's previous version before. I will only be expanding the course. Meaning there will be content only for the later parts of the course starting from part5.
Those later parts include topics like Jest, Cypress, Redux, advanced hooking, application routing, CSS libraries, GraphQL, and Typescript.
A disclaimer that this has been done only for learning purposes, so there are going to be some instances where code quality and/or UI could be better if proper time would have been put into it. Also, each Full-stack course part's solutions are stored in their respective folders.
- Course material
- Redux version of the blog application
- acendotes application with React Router
- Application using custom hooks
- Application using more advanced custom hooks
- Course material
- Basic version of the GraphQL library application's backend
- GraphQL library application's backend
- GraphQL library application's frontend