This file contains the code for the paper "Calibrating the Reliability of AlphaFold2"
Ubuntu 20.04.1
conda create -n ProCal python=3.8
conda activate ProCal
pip install -r requirements.txt
Torch_scatter and torch_cluster libraries depend on the specific settings for the server. More details are in and It takes about half an hour to install all the packages.
-CollectedData # calibrate our collected data
-PAE # calibrate PAE metric
-pLDDT # calibrate pLDDT metric
-ShortPeptideData # calibrate peptide data
For the data we collected, we implement calibration of the PAE and pLDDT metrics. For each experiment, we perform the random division of validation and test sets for five times. The calibration models were initialized randomly. Download our collected dataset into the folder: PAE/data or pLDDT/data Here we provide some examples in this folder.
Firstly, go to the PAE folder:
cd CollectedData/PAE
Calibrate PAE with RUCS-regression (random seed is 0 and split 80% data as the training set):
python --alg std_scaling --dataset aelddt --select ae --method reg --data_seed 0 --frac 0.8
Calibrate PAE with RUCS-NLL (random seed is 0 and split 80% data as the training set):
python --alg std_scaling --dataset aelddt --select ae --method nll --data_seed 0 --frac 0.8
Calibrate PAE with R2UCS-regression:
python --alg gemo_scaling --dataset aelddt --select ae --feature 2 --method reg --data_seed 0 --frac 0.8
Calibrate PAE with R2UCS-NLL:
python --alg gemo_scaling --dataset aelddt --select ae --feature 2 --method nll --data_seed 0 --frac 0.8
Firstly, go to the pLDDT folder:
cd CollectedData/pLDDT
Calibrate pLDDT with RUCS-regression:
python --alg std_scaling --dataset aelddt --select lddt --method reg --data_seed 0 --frac 0.8
Calibrate pLDDT with RUCS-NLL:
python --alg std_scaling --dataset aelddt --select lddt --method nll --data_seed 0 --frac 0.8
Calibrate pLDDT with R2UCS-regression:
python --alg gemo_scaling --dataset aelddt --select lddt --feature 2 --method reg --data_seed 0 --frac 0.8
Calibrate pLDDT with R2UCS-NLL:
python --alg gemo_scaling --dataset aelddt --select lddt --feature 2 --method nll --data_seed 0 --frac 0.8
For the peptide data, we implement calibration of the pLDDT metric. Obtain the peptide dataset and put it into the fold: data
cd ShortPeptideData
Calibrate pLDDT with RUCS-regression:
python --alg std_scaling --dataset peptide --select lddt --method reg --data_seed 0 --frac 0.8
Calibrate pLDDT with RUCS-NLL:
python --alg std_scaling --dataset peptide --select lddt --method nll --data_seed 0 --frac 0.8
Calibrate pLDDT with R2UCS-regression:
python --alg gemo_scaling --dataset peptide --select lddt --feature 2 --method reg --data_seed 0 --frac 0.8
Calibrate pLDDT with R2UCS-NLL:
python --alg gemo_scaling --dataset peptide --select lddt --feature 2 --method nll --data_seed 0 --frac 0.8
Each command executes the training and testing of the corresponding calibration model, which takes less than 2 minutes to run on the toy data we provide and outputs the RMSE or ECE metrics on the test toy data.