IMPORTANT NOTICE: This project was created as a university project and there has not been any additional development done to it ever since. Please take that into consideration when you are viewing the code. Thanks. - Oct 7 2020.
This is a web-based platform that allows outdoor adventurers to explore unique adventure spots around the globe.
Steps to take before running application locally:
- Install Node Js onto your machine. (
- Cd to your project directory.
- Clone this repository onto the directory.
- Run this command: "npm install" (without the ""). This will install all required node packages for the project.
- Install Postgresql.
- Configure Postgreql. You will need to create all the necessary tables to avoid errors. This project comes with a database folder, and in the database folder, there is a createTables.sql file. In your psql command line interface, do this: "\i /......your_local_path_to..../createTables.sql". This will automatically create all the tables for this project. If you want to populate your database so you can have something to test with, do the same thing: "\i /......your_local_path_to..../testData.sql"
7.Cd back to your project directory where the server.js file is located, if necessary, run: node server.js in the terminal. 8.Go to your browser and type in: localhost:3001 .