I am a software engineer from Worcestershire (UK) currently working with Vigo Software working on industry leading SASS logistics products using NextJS, TypeScript, C# & asp.net. I am also a graduate of the School of Code 16 week bootcamp cohort 4, and student of Bath University studying an MSc in computer science 🎓.
My GitHub features projects I have created through my own learning as well as projects created while working in an agile team with the School of Code. I generally always have a project a on the go!
You can also find me on LinkedIn, Twitter, and my personal website.
Feel free to get in touch!
- 🔭 I’m currently working on - Full-stack laravel ecommerce applications.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning - *C# .Net
- 💬 Ask me about - Any questions you might have (School of Code, Open Univeristy, projects, JavaScript ...)
- 📫 How to reach me: - See links above!