This application will allow you to login to your ecoBee account using pin authentication.
###Long term goals Ideally this application will:
- Give different detailed usage statictics than the current ecobee web portal (HOME IQ)
- Graph your usage statistics (Very similar to what exists on the ecobee portal, just more information, and less loading)
- Usage Calculator (will allow you to calculate your usage)
#Project Setup ###ecoBee AppKey This is needed to get the application working. You will need to sign up as a developer with the ecoBee portal. Once you are an ecoBee developer, you should be presented with an appkey. Copy the appkey and put it in "android/assets/ecobeeConfig.cfg". The application should now be able to properly authenticate.
###IDE Choice Since this porject is using the gradle based build system, pretty much any IDE that is compatible with gradle will work here. I started the project using eclipse, transitioned to Android Studio, and have setup Intellij IDEA to work with this project.