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A node js application that can control your garage door(s).

This app uses a configuration file to define pins, the name of the garage door that the pin corresponds with, and a sensor pin for the magnetic proximity sensor.

Mainly designed for use with two wire garage door openers. I have found that some Chamberlain 2 wire systems do not work with just a relay. The systems have something called Security+ 2.0 which uses a serial wire protocol. I have yet had time to decrypt this so be aware this doesn't work with every 2 wire system.

To Install on Omegas with only 16mb of Flash storage:

  1. Install nodejs

opkg update

opkg install nodejs

  1. Install git and git http

opkg update

opkg install git git-http

3.Manuallly Clone the omega garage repo into /tmp/omega_garage

git clone /tmp/omega_garage

  1. Move the config file to your home directory

mv /tmp/omega_garage/config.json /root/config.json

  1. Modify the config.json file with the appropriate credentials

  2. Move the 'startOmegaGarage' file to the '/etc/init.d' directory and grant it rights to execute

mv /tmp/omega_garage/startOmegaGarage /etc/init.d/

chmod +x /etc/init.d/startOmegaGarage

7.Enable the new init.d script to make the service run at boot. The startOmegaGarage script will load the omega_garage repo into RAM and start the server.

/etc/init.d/startOmegaGarage enable

  1. reboot the onion omega to make sure that the startOmegaGarage script is executed upon reboot.


To Install on Omegas with more than 16mb of Flash storage:

  1. Install nodejs

opkg update

opkg install nodejs

  1. Install git and git http

opkg update

opkg install git git-http

3.Manuallly Clone the omega garage repo into your home directory

git clone /root/omega_garage

  1. Move the config file to your home directory

mv /root/omega_garage/config.json /root/config.json

  1. Modify the config.json file with the appropriate credentials
  2. Move the 'startOmegaGarage' file to the '/etc/init.d' directory and grant it rights to execute

mv /root/omega_garage/startOmegaGarage16mbplus /etc/init.d/

chmod +x /etc/init.d/startOmegaGarage16mbplus

7.Enable the new init.d script to make the service run at boot. The startOmegaGarage16mbplus script will start the server.

/etc/init.d/startOmegaGarage16mbplus enable

  1. reboot the onion omega to make sure that the startOmegaGarage script is executed upon reboot.


In either case:

  • There are a few more dependencies now that email notifications are enabled.

  • Express js

  • emailjs and its dependencies

  • You must get a copy of express for node. Follow the instructions in the guide here: I have included a version in the repo that is working for me.

HomeBridge Compatibility


Control your garage with an onion omega






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