This is a simple command-line based Tic Tac Toe game written in C programming language. The game is played between two players and the goal is to place three of your symbols (either 'X' or 'O') in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row.
this is all possibilities of winning in this game (
A C compiler (e.g. GCC)
- Compile the source code using a C compiler (e.g. gcc -o tic-tac-toe tic-tac-toe.c)
- Run the compiled executable file (e.g. ./tic-tac-toe)
- The game will prompt you to enter the row and column coordinates of the cell where you want to place your symbol. The top-left cell is (0,0), the top-middle cell is (0,1), etc.
- The game will alternate between player 1 (X) and player 2 (O) until one of them wins or the game ends in a draw.
- The game will announce the winner or that the game is a draw.
- The game is played on a 3x3 grid
- Player 1 is X and player 2 is O
- Players take turns placing their symbol on an empty cell
- A player wins if they place three of their symbols in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row
- The game ends in a draw if all cells are filled and no player has won
- The game does not check for invalid input. It is the responsibility of the player to enter valid row and column coordinates.
- The game does not check for the case where player enters the same cell twice.
- The game does not handle error or invalid input.
For any issues or suggestions, please contact me at