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3. Tutorials

Jingkang Yang edited this page Aug 21, 2022 · 1 revision

0. Framework Design

1. How to build a pipeline


  • self.config: get the overall config from called function


  • logger: no need for changes, if you want to add some new functions to the logger please raise an issue

    from openood.utils import setup_logger
    # generate output directory and save the full config file
  • preprocessor: config file in configs/preprocessors, add new preprocessor in openood/preprocesors, if you don’t need a preprocessor then assigend with a base preprocessor in config file

    from openood.preprocessors import get_preprocessor
    # get preprocessor
    preprocessor = get_preprocessor(self.config)
  • dataloader

    from openood.datasets import get_dataloader
    # get dataloader
    loader_dict = get_dataloader(self.config.dataset, preprocessor)

    config file in configs/datasets/

    use ImageList data class by default

    add new get dataloader method in openood/datasets/ if you cannot fit into existing methods

    add new data class if needed, though idealy all dataset should use ImageList data class

  • network

    from openood.networks import get_network
    # init network
    net = get_network(

    config file in configs/networks

    add new network in openood/networks

    make proper tweaks in openood/networks/ to intialize the network(where you set up hyper parameters for the network)

  • trainer

    from openood.trainers import get_trainer
    # init trainer
    trainer = get_trainer(net, train_loader, self.config)

    trainer defines the optimizer, scheduler and loss for the training

    train_epoch function in trainer runs during the training process which will be called later in the pipeline

    config file in config/pipelines/train

    add a new trainer in openood/trainers

  • evaluator

    from openood.evaluators import get_evaluator
    # init evaluator
    evaluator = get_evaluator(self.config)

    evaluator defines ,well, how you evaluate your model eval() function is called when perform evaluation on test/eval dataset

    config file in

    configs/pipelines/test and configs/pipelines/train depends on which pipeline this is

    add new evaluator in openood/evaluators

  • recorder

    from openood.recorders import get_recorder
    # init recorder
    recorder = get_recorder(self.config)

    recorder does three things:

    • report() called after each epoch to report information regarding training
    • save_model() called to save the model can be modified to store the best model base on different indicaion or just store the model after each/certain epoch the suffix of the checkpoints should be .ckpt
    • summary() sum up the result of the entire training

    config file in configs/pipelines/train

    add a new recoder in openood/recorders

  • start training

    # example code:
    for epoch_idx in range(1, self.config.optimizer.num_epochs + 1):
          # train the model
          net, train_metrics = trainer.train_epoch(epoch_idx)
          test_metrics = evaluator.eval(net,
          # save model and report the result
          recorder.save_model(net, test_metrics)
, test_metrics)

    during the training process

    train_epoch() from trainer,

    eval() from evaluator,

    save_model() and report() from recorder are called per epoch

  • evaluation

    eval() from evaluator is called and return a metrix containg results then print out the results

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