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Validate is a standard Deno module for validating string.
- isAfter
- isAlpha
- isAlphanumeric
- isAscii
- isBase32
- isBase64
- isBefore
- isBIC
- isBoolean
- isBtcAddress
- isByteLength
- isCreditCard
- isCurrency
- isDataURI
- isDate
- isDecimal
- isDivisibleBy
- isEAN
- isEmail
- isEmpty
- isEthereumAddress
- isFloat
- isFQDN
- isFullWidth
- isHalfWidth
- isHash
- isHexColor
- isHexadecimal
- isHsl
- isIBAN
- isIdentityCard
- isIMEI
- isIn
- isInt
- isIP
- isIPRange
- isISBN
- isISIN
- isISO31661Alpha2
- isISO31661Alpha3
- isISO8601
- isISRC
- isISSN
- isJSON
- isJWT
- isLatLong
- isLength
- isLocale
- isLowercase
- isMACAddress
- isMagnetURI
- isMD5
- isMimeType
- isMobilePhone
- isMongoId
- isMultibyte
- isNumeric
- isOctal
- isPassportNumber
- isPort
- isPostalCode
- isRFC3339
- isRgbColor
- isSemVer
- isSlug
- isSurrogatePair
- isSvg
- isTaxID
- isURL
- isUUID
- isUppercase
- isVariableWidth
- isWhitelisted
import { validate, isBoolean } from 'https://deno.land/x/validate@v0.4.0/mod.ts';
import { validate, isBoolean } from 'https://deno.land/x/validate@v0.4.0/mod.ts';
console.log(validate.isAlpha('Validate')); // true
console.log(isBoolean('true')); // true
Details changes for each release are documented in the CHANGELOG.md.
If you think any of the Validate
can be improved, please do open a PR with any updates and submit any issues. Also, I will continue to improve this, so you might want to watch/star this repository to revisit.
We'd love to have your helping hand on contributions to Validate
by forking and sending a pull request!
Your contributions are heartily ♡ welcome, recognized and appreciated. (✿◠‿◠)
How to contribute:
- Open pull request with improvements
- Discuss ideas in issues
- Spread the word
- Reach out with any feedback
Bunlong |
Hampton |
Colin |
Lukas |