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Web-2.0 Projects 🌐✨

Welcome to Web-2.0 — a collection of projects that showcase various domains using web technologies inspired by Web 2.0 principles. This repository contains a variety of interactive, visually appealing applications built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript that embrace the essence of modern web design.

Web-2.0 Logo

🚀 Project Overview

Each project in this repository explores different aspects of Web 2.0 design, focusing on interactivity, usability, and dynamic user experiences. From sleek productivity apps to fun interactive tools, these projects demonstrate how far web technologies have come in enhancing online interactions.

🌟 Features

  • Variety of Domains: Projects cover productivity, finance, education, health, and entertainment.
  • Modern UI/UX Design: Focusing on clean, sleek, and user-friendly interfaces.
  • Interactive JavaScript: Dynamic content and user engagement features.
  • Responsive Layouts: Optimized for both desktop and mobile devices.

📂 Projects List

Here’s a list of the cool projects featured in this repo:

  1. RPS_Game: Just normal child game
  2. JournalJar - A digital journal with mood tracking and writing prompts ✍️
  3. CoolBlogger - A initial phased blogging site✍️
  4. Currency convertor - A initial phased currency convertor site✍️
  5. RideEasy - A rider searching web-based app prototype
  6. Expense Tracker - A monthly expense tracker with dynamic visualization feature
  7. Fitness Tracker - A web-based application for daily logs and goals achievement
  8. MinerSweeper Game - A basic miner sweeper game
  9. QR code generator - A basic QR code generator
  10. Login-dash - A basic login and market user dashboard
  11. Task Manager - A dynamic interface for managing your task proficiently
  12. Pocket - A dynamic & functional web-based app for saving your imp's
  13. DuoTalk - A dynamic & functional web-based application for just clone!
  14. FalshyThings - Want some flash cards to play, use this basic prototype for fun and gamify your learnings with cards
  15. Calsi - A simple calculator wih simple effects

...on the way, stay connected!

🛠️ Technologies Used

This project is built using the following Web 2.0 technologies:

  • HTML5 🖥️ - Structure and layout of the projects
  • CSS3 🎨 - Styling and responsive design (Flexbox, Grid)
  • JavaScript (ES6+) ⚡ - Adding interactivity and dynamic features
  • APIs 🌍 - Integrating third-party APIs for real-time data

📜 Installation Guide

To run any project locally:

  1. Clone this repository:
   git clone
   cd web-2.0
  1. Navigate to a project folder:
cd project-name
  1. Open the index.html file in your browser to view the project locally.

🤝 Contribution

We love contributions! 💡

To contribute, follow these simple steps:

  • Fork the repository.
  • Create a new branch (feature/YourFeature).
  • Commit your changes.
  • Push your branch to your fork.
  • Open a Pull Request!

[ Note:

Whenever i deploy new project on internet I Will paste link in repo description. Defenately try to check out it and give feedback on it.


🖤 Support & Contact

Got any questions or feedback? Let’s talk! 🤖

Email: 📧

GitHub: @Jivan052

✨ Special Thanks to

  • Web Dev Community for continuous inspiration and support 🙏
  • The amazing open-source contributors who made web technologies awesome 🌍

Keep coding, keep creating!

Jivan Jamdar