Initial check-in for csv adapter.
2018-02-24: - Correct the proper behavior when the auto.close set to false
2018-02-22: - Correct the error message display.
2018-02-21: commit: d37d1f3b3e0dce8d10ce081cab1260c9313f281e - To test all the configuration files using the test data. - To avoid the incident creationg while there is duplicate index existed.
2018-01-18: commit: bd1bdfcea7ca7397cedce2c8cb26e822225779ef - Make sure the description field not needed as long as the full.description is set to true. - Throw exception when there are more than one field has same column defined.
2018-01-01: - Added 'full.description' field to support the description including every columns in the csv file. - Example entry: 'full.description, true' in config file.
- Modified the Configuration's toMap to report the Index column properly.
- Added boyd and walmart config/data.
- Change the Configuration file autoClose default value to true for backward-compatible.
- Check-in the xcadapter.war
- to add the multiple configuration sections within a configuration file.
- to add 'auto.close' support for deletion.
- to add sample_config as the example for the config.