This Bot is written in Python with pyTelegramBotAPI.
An Example of the Google Sheet. You should follow this format for the code to work. Ideally just make a copy of this Google Sheet.
First of all, you need to install the pyTelegramBotAPI.
sudo pip install pyTelegramBotAPI
oauth2client – to authorize with the Google Drive API using OAuth 2.0 gspread – to interact with Google Spreadsheets
pip install gspread oauth2client
Finally clone the repo
git clone
After you clone, you need to add a few tokens.
This should be your Token received from Botfather.
bot = telebot.TeleBot('your telebot token from the botfather ')
TelegramUsers = ["your telegram userid in integers "]
This guide will teach you how to get your json key and setup the gspread portion.
credentials = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name("The name of the json key you downloaded earlier.json", scopes) #access the json key you downloaded earlier
Pretty Self explanatory... just change it to the name of your spreadsheet.
sheet ='Name of your spreadsheet') # get the instance of the Spreadsheet
Once you're done setting it up and the bot is running.
Do /add to add and it will prompt you with several questions.
You can one-time run the Bot with the command
This isn't recommend. Use something like screen to hold the Bot. screen -S SheetBot Then just retype the command and you are finished!
please email first to discuss what you would like to change.