my vim configuration, based on amix's project (
# backup your old configuration files
cd ~
mkdir vimback
mv .vim* vimback
# clone configuration files
git clone --depth 1
# move files to home directory
cd vim_awesome
mv .vim* ~
# install
cd ~/.vim_runtime
If you encountered neocomplete
problems at vim startup, it may be that
your vim version is under 7.4, or it is not lua
enabled (test it with
:echo has("lua")
To fix this problem, please see the solutions provided in
If none of the solutions in the above link fits your case, just remove the
rm .vim_runtime/sources_forked/neocomplete.vim -rf
restart the vim.
Or, you can use neocomplcache
, an alternative to neocomplete
. Enable this
plugin by opening the flag in .vimrc
" enable neocomplcache
" this is an alternative word-completion plugin if you can not use
" neocomplete, which needs lua enabled
let g:neocomplcache_enable_at_startup = 1 # enable this flag