- A core system for minecraft server that supports most versions (1.5.2 - 1.19.2), using only database as a storage medium and various built-in commands / systems, which can be disabled at any time.
- pt_BR
- en_US
Command | Description | Permission |
/total, /system, /essentials | Main command os plugin. | totalessentials.commands.essentialsk |
/createkit and /criarkit | Create a kit with an interface / GUI. | totalessentials.commands.createkit |
/delkit | Delete kit with name. | totalessentials.commands.delkit |
/editkit and /editarkit | Editkit a kit with an interface / GUI. | totalessentials.commands.editkit |
/kit and /kits | Create a kit with an interface / GUI see all kits through the interface / GUI and also get them | totalessentials.commands.kit |
/givekit and /darkit | Give kit to player. | totalessentials.commands.givekit |
/nick and /nome | set nick in game. | totalessentials.commands.nick |
/sethome and /setarhome | Set home of player with name. | totalessentials.commands.sethome |
/delhome and /deletarhome | Del home of player. | totalessentials.commands.delhome |
/home and /h | Go to home of player. | totalessentials.commands.home |
/warp | go to warp location. | totalessentials.commands.warp |
/setwarp and /setarwarp | Set determined warp in location. | totalessentials.commands.setwarp |
/delwarp and /deletarwarp | Delete warp with determined name. | totalessentials.commands.delwarp |
/tp | Tp to other player or location. | totalessentials.commands.tp |
/tpa, /tpaccept and /tpadeny | Tp to other player or location. | totalessentials.commands.tpa |
/echest and /ec | Open enderchest. | totalessentials.commands.ec |
/gamemode and /gm | Switch gamemode. | totalessentials.commands.gamemode |
/vanish and /v | Switch vanish. | totalessentials.commands.vanish |
/feed and /comer | Allow player to set max food. | totalessentials.commands.feed |
/heal and /h | Allow player to set max health. | totalessentials.commands.heal |
/light and /luz | Switch light. | totalessentials.commands.light |
/back | Back to old location. | totalessentials.commands.back |
/spawn | Go to spawn lo location. | totalessentials.commands.spawn |
/setspawn | Set Location of spawn. | totalessentials.commands.setspawn |
/announce and /anunciar | Announce to all player. | totalessentials.commands.announce |
/craft | Open craft to player. | totalessentials.commands.craft |
/trash and /lixo | Open trash to player. | totalessentials.commands.trash |
/speed | set speed of player. | totalessentials.commands.speed |
/hat | set hat of player. | totalessentials.commands.hat |
/fly | set fly of player. | totalessentials.commands.fly |
/invsee | see inventory of other player. | totalessentials.commands.invsee |
/login | log into your account. | totalessentials.commands.login |
/register | register account. | totalessentials.commands.register |
/changepass | change pass of account. | totalessentials.commands.changepass |
/vip | vip system. | totalessentials.commands.vip |
/shop and /loja | players shops. | totalessentials.commands.shop |
/clearitems | clear all items in server (with config). | totalessentials.commands.clearitems |
To use in chat, commands, signs etc.
Color | Permission |
Black | totalessentials.color.&0 |
DarkBlue | totalessentials.color.&1 |
DarkGreen | totalessentials.color.&2 |
DarkTurquoise | totalessentials.color.&3 |
DarkRed | totalessentials.color.&4 |
Purple | totalessentials.color.&5 |
DarkYellow | totalessentials.color.&6 |
LightGray | totalessentials.color.&7 |
DarkGray | totalessentials.color.&8 |
LightBlue | totalessentials.color.&9 |
LightGreen | totalessentials.color.&a |
LightTurquoise | totalessentials.color.&b |
LightRed | totalessentials.color.&c |
Magenta | totalessentials.color.&d |
LightYellow | totalessentials.color.&e |
White | totalessentials.color.&f |
Scrambled | totalessentials.color.&k |
Reset | totalessentials.color.&r |
Trace | totalessentials.color.&l |
Italic | totalessentials.color.&n |
RGB | totalessentials.color.* |
Permission | Function |
totalessentials.commands.sethome.(number of homes) | Set limit of homes to player |
totalessentials.commands.kit.(kit name) | Allow the player to pick up the given kit |
totalessentials.commands.warp.(warp name) | Allow the player go to determined warp |
totalessentials.commands.nick.other | Allow the player rename other players |
totalessentials.commands.ec.other | Allow the player open others enderChest |
totalessentials.commands.gamemode.other | Allow the player switch gamemode for other player |
totalessentials.commands.heal.other | Allow the player use heal for other players |
totalessentials.commands.feed.other | Allow the player use feed for other players |
totalessentials.commands.vanish.other | Allow the player use vanish to other player |
totalessentials.commands.light.other | Allow the player use light to other player |
totalessentials.commands.home.other | Allow the player go to other players homes |
totalessentials.commands.delhome.other | Allow the player delhome for other players |
totalessentials.commands.sethome.other | Allow the player sethome for other players |
totalessentials.commands.spawn.other | Allow the player telepot to spawn for other players |
totalessentials.commands.speed.other | Allow the player set speed of other player |
totalessentials.commands.login.other | Allow the player login other player |
totalessentials.commands.register.other | Allow the player register other player |
totalessentials.commands.invsee.admin | Allow the player see inventory of other player |
totalessentials.bypass.teleport | Bypass time to teleport |
totalessentials.bypass.homelimit | Move itens of player. |
totalessentials.bypass.kitcatch | Bypass kit time limit |
totalessentials.bypass.vanish | Bypass the vanish |
totalessentials.bypass.bed | Bypass the block bed |
totalessentials.bypass.vehicles | Bypass the block vehicles |
totalessentials.bypass.nametag | Bypass the block nametag |
totalessentials.bypass.netherceiling | Bypass the block nether ceiling |
totalessentials.bypass.shiftcontainer | Bypass the block shift in container |
totalessentials.bypass.opencontainer | Bypass the block open container |
totalessentials.bypass.waitcommand | Bypass wait time to use command again |
totalessentials.bypass.backblockedworlds | Bypass blocked worlds of back |
totalessentials.bypass.homeblockedworlds | Bypass blocked worlds of home |
totalessentials.bypass.nickblockednicks | Bypass blocked nicks of nick |
Own Lib using new features such as:
- MariaDB latest version;
- H2 V2 latest version;
- HikariCP;
- Kotlin;
- CacheSQL (created by me).
Reload system.
- system based on reload all configuration, besides being possible to change your lang.
Lang's and Config system and check;
- This system is based on the difference of the configuration file between versions, if it has a new path, it adds it if it doesn't have it, in addition to the comments of the configurations that are updated.
Cache System.
- Caching system built by me, made for the highest possible performance.
- Add support of version Checker for a Windows.
- Gilberto#8778