I always save all my discover weekly, and after a lot of weeks, it became difficult to search an specific music, and where I have it saved.
Since Spotify sadly doesn't show wich playlist have a song, I made this simple solution to my problem.
It is a fully client-side app, developed using React and acessing spotify's API.
For being it is a solution made only to help solve my problem, it is not optmized to go to production and I didn't care about code quality for this first MVP.
Node v8 +
A Spotify API Client ID
A Spotify account
git clone git@github.com:JoaoBGusmao/spotfinder.git
npm install
Make a copy of env.example.js and rename it to env.js. Replace all variables with your data, such as URL (important for login callback) and client id (doesn't work without it).
yarn start
This project by default use port 8080, this way, you can open it using:
Suggestions and PRs are welcome