A curated list of awesome libraries, plugins, and resources for Roblox scripting and game development.
(TODO: Table of Contents)
- Google Analytics Model - Tracks visits and Lua errors via Google Analytics
- Online Studio - GUI implementations of the explorer and properties windows
- Fragmentation System - Divides parts into fragments when they are hit with an explosion
- Underscore.lua - A Ruby-like utility library for dealing with iterators, tables, arrays, and functions
- 30log - A minimal OOP framework that supports classes, inheritance, and mixins in only 30 lines
- EncodeInstance - Highly-compressed instance serialization
- BitBuffer Module - Bitwise data storage
- Bitwise Operations Module - Blazing-fast pure-Lua bitwise operations library
- PlayerDataStore Module - Wrapper API around DataStores for saving per-player data
- CFrameInterpolator Module - Easily interpolate between two CFrames
- gloo - A GUI library
- F3X's Building Tools - Simple and powerful building tools
- qCmdUtl - An updated version of Animinus' old CmdUtl building tools
- FusiaOS's Map Editor - Simple triangle creator
- Terraingle - More advanced triangle creator
- GapFill & Extrude - Easily fill gaps between and extrude arbitrary surfaces
- Command Panel - Collection of useful commands organized into a searchable panel
- Roblox animation editor - Official Roblox animation editor
- Seranok's Live Update Plugin - Update your ROBLOX games without shutting down
- DataStore Editor - Read and write DataStores on your places
- Roblox Wiki - The official wiki for Roblox
- Scripting Helpers - Q&A site for Roblox scripting
- Uncopylocked Games Collection - A collection of uncopylocked games
- Roblox Web APIs - An unofficial list of all known web APIs on the Roblox site
- Awesome Lua - A curated list of quality Lua packages and resources
- Roblox Dev Tips - A collection of useful tips
- Roblox Core Scripts - Official respository for Roblox's internal client-side Lua code
- Roblox Bug Tracker - An unofficial bug tracker for Roblox
- Roblox Enhancement Proposals - An unofficial resposository for discussing enhancement proposals
- Skyboxes - A collection of high-quality skyboxes