This is a blog for plant lovers, the site includes blog-like posts, sign-up and edit profile section, featured posts and a newsletter sign-up. Also included is a feature for admin to easily edit and delete blog posts from each blog post page.
This project is the fourth of five projects that needs to be completed in order to receve a diploma in Software Development from The Code Institute.
A live version of this website will be found here:
Test Account:
- A test account for this website to test features including commenting, subscribing and unsubscribing to the newsletter, deleting and editing blog posts can be provided at request.
User Stories
Technologies Used
Data Validation
This application has been designed for users of all ages who love to garden and learn new things about plants. It also includes a feature to create and personalise a profile with a profile picture and a biography entry, and with this you can comment on blog posts, to give more advice or ask questions!
To build a platform to allow users to read blog posts, make a profile and comment on posts and allow them to also sign up for a newsletter sent to their email. Also included is admin access through the website for the admin to add, update or delete posts from each blog post page. Which allows the admin to easily see how a post would look with just the click of a button.
To engage with topics that interest them, make a personalised profile to feel welcome to the site and encourages them to explore the site and all it has to offer.
For anyone who has an interest in plants and gardening of all sorts! Users of all ages and all levels of skills in gardening.
Not all stories have been implemented. Some have been left for future implementations as the site grows and expands. Such as:
- As a Site User I can update my password so that reset it if forgotten.
- I can update and personalise a profile page so that other users can see my posts.
- I can like or unlike a post so that I can interact with the content and support advice
- I can view comments on an individual post so that I can read the conversation
- I can make an account so that I can comment and like posts
- I can click on a post so that I can read the full post.
- I can view a paginated list of posts so that easily select a post to view
- I can view the number of likes on each post so that I can see which posts are popular.
- I can apply for a newsletter on the featured page so that I can receive updates on the features
- I can view a list of posts so that I can read posts like a news feed.
As an admin:
- I can submit new blog posts so that I can inform site visitors & fans of the site of new newsletters, featured posts that season, and more.
- I can add a themed page with tips so that I can add a theme to the page
- I can create draft posts so that I can save content for later.
- I can update and personalise a profile page so that other users can see my posts.
- I can approve or disapprove comments and posts so that I can filter unnecessary comments or posts.
- I can create a log in / sign up page so that plant enthusiasts and visitors can sign up to the site.
- I can view comments on an individual post so that I can read the conversation
- I can view the number of likes on each post so that I can see which posts are popular.
- I can apply for a newsletter on the featured page so that I can receive updates on the features
Won`t have label
Some more ideas to implement in the future:
- As a Admin I can host events in relation to gardening so that users can meet up and get to know each other.
- As a Site User I can sign up for events from the group so that I can be included.
The colour scheme chosen works with the theme of the topic chosen for the website.
- The colour chosen for headings is #2F6844.
- The background colour is an easy on the eyes light green #FFFAF0.
- And the hovered over buttons turn a light shade of grey thanks to bootstrap secondary theme.
All fonts are from the Google Fonts library.The following fonts were chosen for the page:
- 'Trebuchet MS', 'Lucida Sans Unicode', 'Lucida Grande', 'Lucida Sans', Arial, sans-serif for the navbar.
- Satisfy font for each page heading and the heading for the user's profile page.
- Verdana, Geneva, Tahoma, sans-serif for the body font and content.
- Pacifico font for the headings in the "health" section on the home page.
The first Wireframe image shows the blog posts in a set of 6, later the pagination was changed. The purpose of this was to lessen the bulk on the index page content wise.
This last wireframe image has the newsletter section at the end of the page, which later was changed to include it on a separate HTML page.
- All images were found through google and stored using Cloudinary.
- The Navbar is sticky, so it can show login options constantly and home page redirection.
- For responsive design, the Navbar collapses into a dropdown menu for screens 768px and below.
- The landing/home page brings you to the blog posts.
- Each card brings you to the blog post page, featuring tips, images and a comment and like section.
- Scrolling down the index page we have a "Quick Tips Section":
- A common mistakes section:
- A section on why plants are good for your health:
- And finally for the landing page, the Footer:
- Featured posts is an option in the Navbar and brings you to a HTML with two cards, which would ideally be changed seasonly.
- The first Featured Post is called "Winter is Coming":
- The other card features a post all regarding pets and their safety, along with how to keep the plants safe too!
- Once you sign up to a profile, you'll get redirected to your very own Profile page which you can edit by adding your name, profile picture and a bio!
- Also featured is a message that pops up indicating a successful login!
- Here is the edit profile page:
- Updating your profile will show a success message on the index page.
- The Sign in page requires username and password to sign in.
- And once logged out, you'll be redirected to the index page with this message:
- The register page requires specific information to sign up for a profile.
- The newsletter feature does not show up until you sign into your account, then you can spot it in the Navbar.
- The Newsletter feature allows you to signup for the site's ongoing newsletter with featured posts about plants.
- You can submit your email, after clicking the "Newsletter" button on the Navbar, and from the newsletter page you can choose to be redirected to an unsubscribe page to unsubscribe your email from the newsletter.
- I came across some issues implementing this feature. Attempts to use GMAIL failed as they took away this feature just this year, I will include an option to check the results of this feature with a free email service called
- From it is possible to see the template newsletter is being sent and linking the email used by the user.
- Subscribe to the Newsletter:
- And Unsubscribe:
- Once you unsubscribe, you will see a message confirming that your email has been removed from the database.
Operations | All users | Auth. user | Superuser |
View homepage | Yes | Yes | Yes |
View featured page | Yes | Yes | Yes |
View profile page | No | Yes | Yes |
Add email to newsletter | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Delete email from newsletter db. | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Add/Edit/Delete profile | No | Yes | Yes |
Add/Delete/Edit blog post. | No | No | Yes |
Login | No | Yes | Yes |
Register | Yes | No | No |
View all comments | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Add a comment | No | Yes | Yes |
Edit/Delete a comment | No | No | Yes |
Users first need to confirm that they are sure that they want to delete:
Users trying to sign in with wrong details or no user created won't be allowed access and see this message.
Users signing up to our newsletter let's you know if your email already exists in our database.
Admin first need to confirm that they are sure they want to delete:
Comments can be written only by authorised users after logging in.
If the admin approves the review:
Authorised admin login allows for a few small features to allow easy access to edit and create posts from the webpage directly:
Authorised admin can also edit or delete blog posts from each post page:
- This feature was added to allow easy access to add, edit and delete posts for an admin "user", this idea was to make it simple to add and edit directly from the website instead of going into django admin to make new blog posts, or edit and delete and see directly how it would look on the site.
- ElephantSQL Postgres: database service provided by ElephantSQL for data storage.
- SQLite: SQL database engine used by default as part of Django Framework and used during development.
- Heroku Postgres: SQL database service provided directly by Heroku for storing data.
- Cloudinary: to store images and static files in production.
- Heroku: to deploy and run the application in production.
The following is a list of resources used to put this project together.
- Google Fonts - for the font families:
- Font Awesome - to add icons to the social links in the footer element.
- GitPod - to create my html files & styling sheet before pushing the project to Github.
- GitHub - to store my repository for submission.
- Balsamiq - were used to create mockups of the project prior to starting.
- Am I Responsive? - to ensure the project looked good across all devices.
- Icons8 - to provide the code & image for the icon in the tab bar.
- Crispy Forms: used for comment and sign-in forms throughout website.
- Google Lighthouse: used to access website performance.
- used for coverage testing of Python programs.
- HTML Markup Validation: used to validate HTML code syntax.
- CSS Validation Service: used to validate CSS code syntax.
- PEP8 Validation: used to validate Python code syntax.
- Chrome DevTools: development tool supplied by Google Chrome browser to test responsive design during development.
- Pillow: This library provides extensive file format support, an efficient internal representation, and fairly powerful image processing capabilities.
- MailTrap: Free mail platform used for newsletter.
- Django: Python-based framework for rapid website development.
- Bootstrap: CSS and JavaScript library.
The project uses a relational database (PostgreSQL)
The following diagram displays the relational database model design for this website. It was made using Quick Database Diagrams:
User profile
- The User model contains information about each user that registers an account,
- Which is part of the Django allauth library
- The fields used for this project are: username, first_name, last_name, profile_pic, bio
Profile model
- The Profile model is used to store information regarding any registered user
- Users can create a profile object upon creating an account, and then the page will redirect to profile page with an "update profile" button.
- Users can modify profile information at any time with a button, or delete profile, which deletes the profile not the account.
- An admin can also create, modify and delete profile objects.
- OneToOneField relationship with User
- Returns User to Profile page.
Post model
- The post model contains all fields necessary for a blog post.
- The model includes fields; title, slug, author, update_on, content, featured_image, excerpt, created_on, status, likes.
- The featured_image uses cloudinary field and has a default image in case none is chosen.
- The blogpost_like use a ManyToManyField and returns a likes count.
- Get absolute url is defined and returns you to the "Add post" section.
Newsletteruser model
- Stores users subscribed to the newsletter.
- Connected via free mail service (
- Subscribing will send an email in the free mail service thanking you for joining the newsletter.
- User can unsubscribe to the newsletter and receive a "Sorry to see you leave" email.
- This project has been continuously tested throughout development stages using the following features:
- Python terminal for backend functionalities
- Google Developer Tools
- Manual Testing
- Automated Testing
The majority of HTML files pass through the W3C validator without error.
When testing the profile and edit profile HTML page through the validator using the URL, a 404 error came up. Instead, I pulled the text from the source code without the base.html and corrected any relevent errors that appeared, therefore leaving the HTML validator clear.
CSS files pass through the Jigsaw validator
No custom JavaScript code has been written for this project, only what is included with Bootstrap4.
For measuring code coverage I used the tool.
To check coverage in the HTML format run in the terminal:
- coverage run --source='.' test
- coverage html
Open the link that appeared in the terminal.
Display the HTML code in the browser with the Live Server.
Lighthouse testing
For Desktop:
Section Performance Accessibility Best Practices SEO Home 99 95 83 100 Featured 99 93 75 100 Newsletter 99 80 83 100 Sign Up 99 81 83 100 Login 99 94 83 100 Profile 99 94 83 100 Edit Profile 99 83 83 100 -
For Mobile devices:
Section Performance Accessibility Best Practices SEO Home 96 95 83 92 Featured 96 95 83 100 Newsletter 91 86 83 100 Sign Up 90 86 83 100 Login 90 95 83 100 Profile 92 94 83 100 Edit Profile 89 86 75 100
Python Validator
- All Python files through the application returned no errors.
- Navigation bar links were too large for smaller screen size,
- Solution: a dropdown burger menu was added for screen sizes 768px and less.
- The Newsletter was originally planned for the Home page, but again it was adding bulk to the home page.
- Solution: it was changed to it's own HTML page as well as the unsubscribe section for the Newsletter.
- The Newsletter feature was difficult to implement for me. GMAIL service was attempted, but they have taken away this feature since this year.
- Solution: I used a free mail service which the login will be included so it can be shown that an email template is sent for subscribing and unsubscribing to our newsletter.
- The blog posts were taking up a lot of space, especially on smaller screens, the list of posts seemed never ending.
- Solution: the pagination was changed to three posts per page, which solved the bulky page issue.
- When the admin goes into the "Add Post" section, the available inputs result in a "blog post" which is not very styled.
- Solution: Not entirely a solution, but a way around this, it's possible to add HTML elements such as headings, page breaks and font styles as well. Which takes a long time, but is an easy solution, and it's as quick as doing it through the ADMIN section in Django, but results are easier to see on the page.
- Delete profile feature threw an error once the profile was deleted, flagging the profile picture; saying threre was no file associated with it.
- Solution: I added an else if statement to the model which uses a default image if no image is used.
- The profile picture shows up beside each comment made by the user, instead only showing up is the logged in user's profile picture.
- When a user "deletes" their profile from the "edit profile" page, it only deletes their profile information and profile picture and not the user account itself.
- The comment box in each blog post gets pushed to the side a bit when logged in as admin, because of the delete and edit buttons.
- When in the "Add post section" you can choose which "author" for the post, this was something I wished to resolve, but trying to delete it from the model resulted in an error message. It was not the intention to allow any user to be an author of a blog posts.
- When putting through the newsletter subscribe/unsubscribe HTML pages through the w3c validator throws this error:
- Taking out the form element resulted in the newsletter button not submitting.
Future plans for this project include:
- The Newsletter section I would like to get working properly with an email direct to an actual account instead of the free mail service ( This is definitely possible, services such as MailChimp and SendGrid allow for this feature.
- The profile picture beside the comments made by each user is something to make happen in future implementations.
- The user should in the future be able to delete their whole user account and not just their profile information.
- Also to implement in the future, the capability to sign in using Social medias, for now, the links added in the sign up section will just bring you to the social media site.
- Ideally the "Featured Posts" section would change seasonally, giving us new seasonally related tips and content regarding the seasonal changes that come along with gardening.
- Edit Profile Validator:
The site was deployed to Heroku. The steps to deploy are as follows:
- Install Django & Gunicorn: pip3 install 'django<4' gunicorn
- Install Django database & psycopg: pip3 install dj_database_url psycopg2
- Install Cloudinary: pip3 install dj3-cloudinary-storage
- Creating the requirements.txt file with the following command: pip3 freeze --local > requirements.txt
- a django project was created using: django-admin startproject plantblog
- the blog app was then created with: python3 startapp blog
- which was then added to the file within our project directory.
- the changes were then migrated using: python3 migrate
- navigated to Heroku & created a new app called print-statements.
- added the Heroku Postgres database to the Resources tab.
- navigated to the Settings Tab, to add the following key/value pairs to the configvars:
- key: SECRET_KEY | value: randomsecretkey22
- key: PORT | value: 8000
- key: CLOUDINARY_URL | value: API environment variable
- key: DATABASE_URL | value: value supplied by Heroku
- add an import os statement for the file.
- added Heroku to the ALLOWED_HOSTS in
- created the Procfile
- pushed the project to Github
- connected my github account to Heroku through the Deploy tab
- connected my github project repository, and then clicked on the "Deploy" buttons
For inspiration, for code, design help and advice, I'd like to thank;
- Martina Terlevic
- My mentor at Code Institute.
- The Code Institute.
Sites that provided me with helpful information and resolved many of my issues;
The top screen shot for responsive design was taken from:
Some tutorials that helped me along the way:
- Google: For images.
- for box shadow example.
- for card, columns, and signup pages.
- for CSS and Bootstrap inspirations
Thank you