Most of my repositories are faculty related projects (ending with '-FEUP' or '-FILS' for my Erasmus projects done in Universitatea Politehnică din București 🇷🇴) but there are a couple of weekend projects in there like:
- Tone Generator - A small Rust application that writes Pulse Code Modulation ( PCM ) audio files from json files.
- GenunPro - Procedurally generated universe based on javidx9 video "Procedural Generation: Programming The Universe"
My favourite faculty projects:
LCOM-FEUP - A very low level game made for MINIX operating system. Mouse/Keyboard, graphics and networking drivers were all implemented by a team of two.
ACG-FILS - A 3D Graphics Engine with Bounding Box collisions implemented.
DJCO-Final-Project-FEUP - A 3D Puzzle-Horror Game where I worked as a Game Developer, Designer and Story Writer in a team of 4 developers and three designers.
I got my Masters degree in Informatics and Computing Engineering 💾 at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP) and am currently working in the gaming industry as a Tools/Engine Programmer!