#Image Warping Tool
- open/capture/display two images
- draw/edit/delete lines, with corresponding lines on the other image.
- save/open project
- render settings: number of frames, values of a, b, and P in the weight equation
- render images: multithreaded, progress view, sparse sampling technique to speed up rendering
- playback images: finger-slide to show animation, frame-forward/frame-backward buttons.
##User Guide:
- Two Top Images: These are the source and destination images. Touch to change pictures.
- Center Image: This is your canvas for drawing control lines.
- Bottom buttons:
- Save (save your images and lines)
- Open (Change project)
- Build (Advance to the rendering settings view)
Touch the circles at the top of the screen to choose images to use from the camera or the gallery.
If you request from the camera, you will be prompted for camera permission and then need to try again to use the camera.
Touch and drag to draw a line on the center image. Drag the endpoints to adjust the line.
Click the top image to switch between src and destination versions of the lines.
Drag a line off-image to delete it.
Save will save your images and lines in the current project.
Open allows you to switch projects.
Build will advance to the "Render Settings" view, in anticipation of warping.
- Editable values and sliders, with descriptions above: These describe your number of frames and weight equation.
- Render button: Begin the rendering process
- Progress bar with caption: Display update on rendering progress.
- Playback button: Advance to the playback view to see your results.
- Type values in the edit boxes, or pull the sliders to adjust settings.
- Touch "Render" to process the frames for output *See the progress bar update after render is clicked
- Touch "Playback" to view the frames rendered so far.
- Black background
- Large central image: this is your warped result.
- Left and right buttons: frame forward and backward.
- Slide your finger across the image left and right to see the warp happening
- Use the framing buttons "|<|" and "|>|" to step backwards and forwards respectively 1 frame.