This enable a pretty easy python/flask Application that takes all incoming (json) message as a webhook/API Integration (for example for or telegram or (TTN)) and forwards it to a given mqtt-adress.
change in docker-compose the environment variable to connect to your mqtt server
MQTT_PATH: 'webhook'
Change the desired "listening-port/server-ip" of your webports:
i strongly suggest to put some reverse-proxy ahead of your installation.
Pretty simple - a flask app initiating a new thread to forward the expected json object to mqtt. No pathes implemented. Checkout app/ - it is really simple - so modifications are easy.
a simple curl test should do the trick - you should see the json-object in your mqtt-browser
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"username":"abc","password":"abc"}' http://localhost:5058/
The webhook uses meinheld-gunicorn-flask which should be able to be running in a productive environment.