JoSIM v2.5 - Update 1: Fixed parameter parsing and pulse command
v2.5 (Update 1) - 12/03/2021
Phase mode is now the standard analysis mode. Produces the exact same results as voltage.
Trapezoidal method has been replaced by superior 2nd order Gear method.
JoSIM now internally determines the convention. (-c option removed)
New progress indicators added. Spawns a seperate non blocking thread.
New verbose modes. 1: Circuit statistics. 2: 1 + Parameters and evaluated values. 3: 2 + Complete expanded netlist.
New DC source type. I.e. V01 1 0 DC 5V
JJ has new IC= parameters that supersedes AREA= but ultimately performs similar model parameter scaling.
Fixed NOISE source type to have syntax NOISE(AMP TD TSTEP)
New '.temp' and '.neb' commands for thermal noise analysis
Transient simulation command now allows PRSTART and PRSTEP commands. .tran TSTEP TSTOP PRSTART PSTEP
Various memory improvements and overall speed-up
Reduced output file size.
Rewrote documentation: JoSIM Documentation
Various bug fixes
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