Forked to fix issues with Kong 3.x
This project is a fork of https://github.com/gbbirkisson/kong-plugin-jwt-keycloak that has been improved with functionality for working with kong-oidc plugin.
The kong-oidc plugin adds an additional X-Userinfo
, X-Access-Token
and X-Id-Token
headers to the upstream request, which can be consumed in jwt-keycloak plugin.
All of them are base64 encoded.
As discussed in gbbirkisson#7 (comment), I faced a problem when was trying decode data from cookie_session
In current version I have added conf.internal_request_headers
where we can set a list of headers (e.g. X-Id-Token
). Then these headers will be checked for the presence of token.
Also we can specify confredirect_after_authentication_failed_uri
to redirect to the page insted of kong.response.exit.
A plugin for the Kong Microservice API Gateway to validate access tokens issued by Keycloak. It uses the Well-Known Uniform Resource Identifiers provided by Keycloak to load JWK public keys from issuers that are specifically allowed for each endpoint.
The biggest advantages of this plugin are that it supports:
- Rotating public keys
- Authorization based on token claims:
- Matching Keycloak users/clients to Kong consumers
If you have any suggestion or comments, please feel free to open an issue on this GitHub page.
Kong Version | Tests passing |
0.13.x | ❌ |
0.14.x | ❌ |
1.0.x | ✅ |
1.1.x | ✅ |
1.2.x | ✅ |
1.3.x | ✅ |
1.4.x | ✅ |
Keycloak Version | Tests passing |
3.X.X | ✅ |
4.X.X | ✅ |
5.X.X | ✅ |
6.X.X | ✅ |
7.X.X | ✅ |
luarocks install kong-plugin-jwt-keycloak
export PLUGIN_VERSION=1.1.0-1
luarocks make
luarocks pack kong-plugin-jwt-keycloak ${PLUGIN_VERSION}
export PLUGIN_VERSION=1.1.0-1
luarocks install jwt-keycloak-${PLUGIN_VERSION}.all.rock
Set enabled kong enabled plugins, i.e. with environmental variable: KONG_PLUGINS="bundled,jwt-keycloak"
In some cases you might want to change the execution priority of the plugin. You can do that by setting an environmental variable: JWT_KEYCLOAK_PRIORITY="900"
See Dockerfile or luarocks Dockerfile for more concrete examples.
The same principle applies to this plugin as the standard jwt plugin that comes with kong. You can enable it on service, routes and globally.
curl -X POST http://localhost:8001/services/{service}/plugins \
--data "name=jwt-keycloak" \
--data "config.allowed_iss=http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/master"
curl -X POST http://localhost:8001/routes/{route_id}/plugins \
--data "name=jwt-keycloak" \
--data "config.allowed_iss=http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/master"
curl -X POST http://localhost:8001/plugins \
--data "name=jwt-keycloak" \
--data "config.allowed_iss=http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/master"
Parameter | Requied | Default | Description |
name | yes | The name of the plugin to use, in this case keycloak-jwt . |
service_id | semi | The id of the Service which this plugin will target. | |
route_id | semi | The id of the Route which this plugin will target. | |
enabled | no | true |
Whether this plugin will be applied. |
config.uri_param_names | no | jwt |
A list of querystring parameters that Kong will inspect to retrieve JWTs. |
config.cookie_names | no | A list of cookie names that Kong will inspect to retrieve JWTs. | |
config.claims_to_verify | no | exp |
A list of registered claims (according to RFC 7519) that Kong can verify as well. Accepted values: exp , nbf . |
config.anonymous | no | An optional string (consumer uuid) value to use as an “anonymous” consumer if authentication fails. If empty (default), the request will fail with an authentication failure 4xx . Please note that this value must refer to the Consumer id attribute which is internal to Kong, and not its custom_id . |
config.run_on_preflight | no | true |
A boolean value that indicates whether the plugin should run (and try to authenticate) on OPTIONS preflight requests, if set to false then OPTIONS requests will always be allowed. |
config.maximum_expiration | no | 0 |
An integer limiting the lifetime of the JWT to maximum_expiration seconds in the future. Any JWT that has a longer lifetime will rejected (HTTP 403). If this value is specified, exp must be specified as well in the claims_to_verify property. The default value of 0 represents an indefinite period. Potential clock skew should be considered when configuring this value. |
config.algorithm | no | RS256 |
The algorithm used to verify the token’s signature. Can be HS256 , HS384 , HS512 , RS256 , or ES256 . |
config.allowed_iss | yes | A list of allowed issuers for this route/service/api. | |
config.iss_key_grace_period | no | 10 |
An integer that sets the number of seconds until public keys for an issuer can be updated after writing new keys to the cache. This is a guard so that the Kong cache will not invalidate every time a token signed with an invalid public key is sent to the plugin. |
config.well_known_template | false | see description | A string template that the well known endpoint for keycloak is created from. String formatting is applied on the template and %s is replaced by the issuer of the token. Default value is %s/.well-known/openid-configuration |
config.scope | no | A list of scopes the token must have to access the api, i.e. ["email"] . The token only has to have one of the listed scopes to be authorized. |
config.roles | no | A list of roles of current client the token must have to access the api, i.e. ["uma_protection"] . The token only has to have one of the listed roles to be authorized. |
config.realm_roles | no | A list of realm roles (realm_access ) the token must have to access the api, i.e. ["offline_access"] . The token only has to have one of the listed roles to be authorized. |
config.client_roles | no | A list of roles of a different client (resource_access ) the token must have to access the api, i.e. ["account:manage-account"] . The format for each entry should be <CLIENT_NAME>:<ROLE_NAME> . The token only has to have one of the listed roles to be authorized. |
config.consumer_match | no | false |
A boolean value that indicates if the plugin should find a kong consumer with id /custom_id that equals the consumer_match_claim claim in the access token. |
config.consumer_match_claim | no | azp |
The claim name in the token that the plugin will try to match the kong id /custom_id against. |
config.consumer_match_claim_custom_id | no | false |
A boolean value that indicates if the plugin should match the consumer_match_claim claim against the consumers id or custom_id . By default it matches the consumer against the id . |
config.consumer_match_ignore_not_found | no | false |
A boolean value that indicates if the request should be let through regardless if the plugin is able to match the request to a kong consumer or not. |
Create service and add the plugin to it, and lastly create a route:
curl -X POST http://localhost:8001/services \
--data "name=mockbin-echo" \
--data "url=http://mockbin.org/echo"
curl -X POST http://localhost:8001/services/mockbin-echo/plugins \
--data "name=jwt-keycloak" \
--data "config.allowed_iss=http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/master"
curl -X POST http://localhost:8001/services/mockbin-echo/routes \
--data "paths=/"
Then you can call the API:
curl http://localhost:8000/
This should give you a 401 unauthorized. But if we call the API with a token:
export TOKENS=$(curl -s -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
-d "grant_type=client_credentials" \
-d "client_id=${CLIENT_ID}" \
-d "client_secret=${CLIENT_SECRET}" \
export ACCESS_TOKEN=$(echo ${TOKENS} | jq -r ".access_token")
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}" http://localhost:8000/ \
--data "plugin=working"
This should give you the response: plugin=working
To verify token issuers, this plugin needs to be able to access the <ISSUER_REALM_URL>/.well-known/openid-configuration
and <ISSUER_REALM_URL>/protocol/openid-connect/certs
endpoints of keycloak. If you are getting the error { "message": "Unable to get public key for issuer" }
it is probably because for some reason the plugin is unable to access these endpoints.
- make
- docker
Because testing uses docker host networking it does not work on MacOS
make keycloak-start
make test-unit # Unit tests
make test-integration # Integration tests with postgres
make test-integration KONG_DATABASE=cassandra # Integration tests with cassandra
make test # All test with postgres
make test KONG_DATABASE=cassandra # All test with cassandra
make test-all # All test with cassandra and postgres and multiple versions of kong
make kong-log # For proxy logs
make kong-err-proxy # For proxy error logs
make kong-err-admin # For admin error logs