A step by step example of incremental progress of a fictictional Calculator implementation and strategies to test it as it grows in complexity.
Each part will have its own source and test projects located in /part-X/src and /part-X/test Each part will also have scripts to execute build and tests located in /part-X/scripts
Build a web based calculator that can perform basic operations.
The calculator should allow the user to:
- Add two values together
- Subtract one number from another
- Calculate the area of a circle given its radius
Expected UI would show sigle ditgits from 0 through 9 as well as a "+", "-", and button to represent the area of a circle calcualtion.
Part 1 will focus on building a basic classs library to hold the logic for the calculations.
Will introduce the UI & API
Introduce "enhancements": adding a database to store values of mathmatical constants so they can be updated with better or more accurate values without requiring code updates.
Further enhance the code to cover edge cases, overflows, underflows, and add test cases to cover those