#This project is no longer supported. Please use the newer and better: https://code.google.com/p/assimp-net/
I have kept a reference here for posterity, plus it was referenced by a few older ST Excalibur builds.
#Overview The Managed Assimp Wrapper lets you use the [http://assimp.sourceforge.net Open Asset Importer (Assimp)] from with C# and other .NET based languages.
Unlike the supported wrapper which uses [http://www.swig.org SWIG], this wrapper uses [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Platform_Invocation_Services P/Invoke]. It works by copying the unmanaged memory into managed memory which can be controlled by .NET.
It is compatible with VS2010 and should backport to previous versions without much trouble.
#Sample Project Here is an image of the sample application provided:
#Video Usage Here is a video of some models loaded using the wrapper:
Thanks to Mark Ward for his measure cube model (included).
#FAQ Q: I get a PInvokeStackImbalance when I run it with the debugger attached.
A: This is normal and can be disabled in Debug > Exceptions > Managed Debugging Assistants > Un-check PInvokeStackImbalance. The [http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/0htdy0k3.aspx PInvokeStackImbalance] MDA is activated when the CLR detects that the stack depth after a P/Invoke call does not match the expected stack depth.