I am a high school freshman intereseted in crypto, tech and CS. Currently my favorite framework is SolidJS with TypeScript. I enjoy making useful frontend applications to solve problems or just for the fun of it. In the future I plan on learning more backend and getting more into mobile app developement.
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- Algolia
- Expo
- NodeJS
- ReactJS
- React Native
- SolidJS (favorite framework)
- NextJS
- Android (java)
- Java
- C++
- DynamoDB
- Bash
- Express
- HTML 5
- CSS 3
- Tailwind
- Python 3
- Webpack
- Vite
- Chart.js
- GraphQL
- Electron
- Linux
- Git
- Mango, a social media app for ios and android where users participate in fun challenges to earn money. Hosted on AWS and writen in react-native 🥭
- JohnLozier.com, my personal website (recently updated)
- Canvas+, a web extension that adds features to the school website canvas with over 50,000 MAU
- CryptoPrices, a chrome/firefox extension to quickly check crypto prices writen in react and rewriten in solid-js
- CodeTyper, a site to practice typing speed for coding
- Homepage, a customizable homepage with AI greetings, widgets, news and a custom AI sidebar for firefox and chrome (Planning on releasing soon 🎉)
- Simple Password Manager, and easy to use extension to store and autofill passwords (in progress)🚧
- SimpleSync, an application allowing you to sync code between devices utilizing google cloud (in progress)🚧
- More projects under development 🤐