This project is a command line tool to manange DNSSEC keys via dynamic DNS updates.
python install
edit psz.conf to match local configuration
(as root) cp psz.conf /usr/local/etc/psz.conf
(as root) chown named /usr/local/etc/psz.conf
(as root) chmod 700 /usr/local/etc/psz.conf
- Django 1.1
- MySQLdb-1.2.1p2 or newer
- dnspython
- bind 9.6
- configobj -
% psz help
Python Secure Zone
status shows the status of DNSKEYs in a zone
secure initializes DNSSEC for a zone
roll_zsk_stage1 perform the 1st stage rollover of zone's ZSK
roll_zsk_stage2 perform the 2nd stage rollover of zone's ZSK
roll_ksk_stage1 perform the 1st stage rollover of zone's KSK
roll_ksk_stage2 perform the 2nd stage rollover of zone's KSK
unsign removes all DNSKEYs from a zone
showconfig display psz's configuration settings
createdb creates database tables for the first time
shell Runs interactive Python shell configured for psz
listkeys Displays all keyfiles for active keys
- Configure your nameserver. :-)
- Configure your local database.
psz createdb
psz secure
pzs status
to show your work