When reaching the end, the game will calculate points for 4 endings:
, Leave
, Maria
, and In water
These points are calculated from these flags and conditions:
starts at 0 points. These add one point each:
- Have [Book: "Lost Memories"] in inventory.
- Have [Book: "Crimson Ceremony"] in inventory.
- Have [White Chrism] in inventory.
- Have [Obsidian Goblet] in inventory.
starts at 5 points. These add one point each:
- Listened to the whole sickbed conversation.
- Healed in excess of 200% HP. [1]
- Never got the Leave ending but did get the Maria ending.
- Never got the Leave ending but did get the In water ending.
These will remove one point each:
- Went east after meeting Maria and had her remind you the way to the hotel.
starts at 3 points. These add one point each:
- Spent 10 minutes or more near Maria. [2]
- Bumped in Maria less than three times. [4]
- Took no damage in the entire game OR Maria took less than 3% the damage you got from monsters. [8]
- Checked back on Maria in Hospital S3. [5]
- Tried to go back to see dead Maria in the labyrinth twice. (White door)
- Never got the Maria ending but did get the Leave ending.
- Never got the Maria ending but did get the In water ending.
These will remove one point each:
- Went on Nathan Avenue instead of chasing Laura and had Maria remind you.
- Examined the [Photo of Mary] and/or [Mary's Letter] at least twice.
- Spent 5 minutes or more far from Maria. [3]
- Did more than 32 damage to Maria. [6]
- Did more than 80 damage to Maria on beginner/easy, or more than 40 damage on normal/hard. [6]
- Bumped in Maria 30 times or more. [4]
In water
starts at 2 points. These add one point each:
- Read the diary on the Hospital Rooftop
- Listened to the whole sickbed conversation.
- Read the second message in Neely's Bar. (The one on the wall, not the window)
- Examined [Angela's Knife] at least once.
- Have the "bad health score" above 60. [7]
- Have the "bad health score" above 240. [7]
- Never got the In water ending but did get the Leave ending.
- Never got the In water ending but did get the Maria ending.
After all these points are tallied up, it will look for the good ending through these conditions [9], in order:
Are there 4
points? Get ending Ritual. -
larger than bothMaria
andIn water
? Get ending Leave. -
Did you never get the Leave ending, and
is larger or equal to bothMaria
andIn water
? Get ending Leave. -
larger than bothLeave
andIn water
? Get ending Maria. -
Did you never get the Maria ending, and
is larger or equal to bothLeave
andIn water
? Get ending Maria. -
In water
larger than bothLeave
? Get ending In water. -
Did you never get the In water ending? then:
- Is
In water
larger or equal to bothLeave
? Get ending In water. - Is
larger or equal to bothMaria
andIn water
? Get ending Leave. - Is
larger or equal toIn water
? Get ending Maria.
- Is
If none of the above apply, Get ending In water.
Your ending is determined the moment you go through the very last door, after the hallway with the sickbed conversation. It will not change after that.
That's it! Note this is from the PC version. In theory it should apply to Restless Dreams on consoles, but I haven't tested.
If you use this information on a website I would appreciate a mention!
[1] Say when you are at 85/100HP and heal 25HP, the excess is 10 HP, or 10%.
The point is given when excessHealth > 2.0
, and is calculated like this every time you heal:
health += heal
if(health > maxHealth)
excessHealth += (health - maxHealth) / maxHealth;
health = maxHealth;
[2] "Near" is within 1000 units from Maria, or about 2 meters. When she isn't walking/running towards you, she's within that distance. Note that, at least on the PC version, this is bugged. This number will always count up when she is not with you (So most of the game).
[3] "Far" is further than 5000 units from Maria. You can mostly only get it when running outside.
[4] You can confirm the bump if Maria vocalizes "ugh".
[5] Bugged, at least on the PC version. It's given to you the first time you enter the room with her, and so is unmissable.
[6] This only counts damage done by you, not by monsters.
[7] This number goes up when you have less than 50% health. It's calculated like this, every frame:
//sin is in radians
//deltaTime: time in milliseconds of each frame. 0.03333 for 30 FPS, 0.016666 for 60 FPS
float hpPercent = health / maxHealth;
if(hpPercent < 0.50)
badHealth += (1 - sin(hpPercent * 3.141592741) ) * deltaTime;
[8] If you take 0 damage in the whole game, then this point is just given to you, no matter how much Maria got hurt. Technically, it is if you took less than 1 damage, not 0. But that's pretty much impossible. It is calculated like this:
if(damageTakenByJames > 1.0)
if(monsterDmgDoneOnMaria / damageTakenByJames < 0.03)
[9] Here's the whole thing in pseudocode:
if(ritual == 4)
return RITUAL;
if(leave > maria && leave > water)
return LEAVE;
if(leave >= maria && leave >= water)
return LEAVE;
if(maria > water && maria > leave)
return MARIA;
if(maria >= water && maria >= leave)
return MARIA;
if(water > leave && water > maria)
return WATER;
if(water >= leave && water >= maria)
return WATER;
if(leave >= maria && leave >= water)
return LEAVE;
if(maria >= water)
return MARIA;
return WATER;