Insert fixtures into your ExUnit context in a clean manner.
The docs can be found at
The package can be installed by adding fixate
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:fixate, "~> 0.1", only: test}
Start Fixate by adding Fixate.start()
to your test/test_helper.exs
Then inside your test files add use Fixate.Case
to allow the fixture attribute.
defmodule MyAppTest do
use ExUnit.Case
use Fixate.Case
Now you can load fixtures before each test using the @fixture
attribute. The attribute takes either a "path"
or a key: "path"
values. If no key is provided the key will be generated using the base filename before the first dot. The files will be loaded from your priv/fixtures
@fixture "text.txt"
@fixture named_text: "text.txt"
@fixture "subdirectory/subtext.txt"
test "Reads basic files", ctx do
assert "FILE_BODY" == ctx.text
assert ctx.text == ctx.named_text
assert "FILE_BODY_IN_SUBFOLDER" == ctx.subtext
By default Fixate will simply load the file as a binary. However this is unlikely to be enough for most tests. Instead of Fixate trying to support various file types we give you a simple way to define parsers for files by their "full" extensions.
To do this add parsers to your test/test_helper.exs
using the Fixate.add_parser/2
# This will be used to parse all *.integer.txt files
Fixate.add_parser("integer.txt", &( String.to_integer(&1) ))
# This will be used to parse all *.json files
Fixate.add_parser("json", &( Jason.decode!(&1) ))
# This will be used to parse all *.geojson.json files
Fixate.add_parser("geojson.json", &( Jason.decode!(&1) |> Geo.JSON.decode! ))
And now the parsed values will appear instead of the binary data
defmodule MyAppTest do
use ExUnit.Case
use Fixate.Case
@fixture "text.txt"
@fixture "text2.txt"
test "reads basic files", ctx do
assert "FILE_BODY" == ctx.text
assert "OTHER_BODY" == ctx.text
@fixture answer: "answer_to_everything.integer.txt"
test "has all the answers", ctx do
assert 42 == ctx.answer
@fixture myhouse: "geo/location.geojson.json"
test "locations", ctx do
assert MyApp.get_home == ctx.myhouse
For more complex parsers create a module, for example in test/support
, and reference it.
Fixate.add_parser("complex.xml", &MyFixtureParser.parse_complex/1)
For an example of usage in an actual project check out Geo.Turf's tests.