Coll Marshall to support application to NLA
Folder contents: NGINX Log Exercises: 2 x text files giving command, output/results and explanations/interpretations. Puppet install exercise: commands.txt: list of all the commands used in installation. 20191204.x.log (x = 1,2,3): Output from this process. There are three log outputs because it was recorded on putty and I started an new log each new window: exit was done at one point to ensure group permissions received and started a new terminal session after "docker-compose up" because it acted as a log. I snipped some of the rpm output. Also the usual confused interpretation of vi screens is present. init.pp, motd.pp, site.pp: puppet files used. filestructure: the final tree of all files present.
I wasn't sure if there were specific puppet modules to install and couldnt see them specified. I was unfamiliar with puppet itself so I stole someone's motd helloworld project from because it was a simple test of the process. It literally adds/replaces the /etc/motd file.
This was done on a basic AWS EC2 Amazon Linux instance (uses a kernel based on RHEL).