Created by Jonghwan Mun, Minsu Cho and Bohyung Han at POSTECH cvlab.
If you want to know details of our paper, please refer to arXiv preprint or visit our project page.
Also, if you use this code in a publication, please cite our paper using following bibtex.
title={Text-guided Attention Model for Image Captioning},
author={Mun, Jonghwan and Cho, Minsu and Han, Bohyung},
- torch ['']
- cutorch (luarocks install cutorch)
- cunn (luarocks install cunn)
- cudnn ['']
- display ['']
- cv ['']
- hdf5 (luarocks install hdf5)
- image (luarocks install image)
- loadcaffe ['']
- json
- h5py
- cPickle
- numpy
Maybe all dependencies for python are installed if you use anaconda.
This software is being made available for research purpose only. Check LICENSE file for details.
This work is funded by the Samsung Electronics Co., (DMC R&D center).
Also, thanks to Andrej Karpathy since this work is implemented based on his code (