caver-js is a JavaScript API library that allows developers to interact with a Klaytn node using a HTTP or Websocket connection.
- Requirements
- Installation
- Getting Started
- Documentation
- API Specification
- Web3.js Similarity
- Error Code Improvement
- Sample Projects
- Github Repository
- Related Projects
The following packages are required to use the caver-js library.
Testing in caver-js is implemented using the mocha testing framework. If you want to run unit tests in caver-js, you need to install mocha first.
Note caver-js can run on Node.js versions 12 and 14, and the recommended versions are:
If you are already using a different version of the node(for example, node v15), use the Node Version Manager(NVM) to install and use the version supported by caver-js.
To try it out, install caver-js with npm like following command:
$ npm install caver-js
Note package.json
file should exist on the same install path. If it
does not exist, package.json
should be generated via npm init
To install a specific version of caver-js, try the following command:
$ npm install caver-js@X.X.X
If you want to run your own EN (Endpoint Node), see EN Operation Guide to set up. You can connect EN like below:
$ node
> const Caver = require('caver-js')
> const caver = new Caver('http://localhost:8551/')
Note The above example should be executed from the location where caver-js is installed, and the example is explained using Node.js REPL.
You can now use caver-js. You can send a basic request to the node as shown below and check the results.
> caver.rpc.klay.getClientVersion().then(console.log)
You can easily use your Klaytn account when signing a transaction or message by using the Keyring / wallet.
The keyring is a new feature that contains an address and one or more private keys based on the key types (SingleKeyring, MultipleKeyring or RoleBasedKeyring). Refer to caver.wallet.keyring for details. caver.wallet, the in-memory wallet, is provided to easily manage multiple keyrings.
Note Functions associated with wallet
and keyring
have no effect on the Klaytn blockchain platform. It just manipulates keyrings in the in-memory wallet.
Let's create a random keyring as shown in the example below:
> const keyring = caver.wallet.keyring.generate()
> keyring
SingleKeyring {
_address: '0x64d221893cc628605314026f4c4e0879af5b75b1',
_key: PrivateKey { _privateKey: '0x{private key}' }
You can add the keyring object created in the above example to the caver.wallet, or you can add a keyring using an address and private key(s).
// Add a keyring instance to caver.wallet
> caver.wallet.add(keyring)
// Add a keyring to caver.wallet with an address and a private key
> caver.wallet.newKeyring('0x{address in hex}', '0x{private key}')
// Add a keyring to caver.wallet with an address and private keys
> caver.wallet.newKeyring('0x{address in hex}', ['0x{private key1}', '0x{private key2}', ...])
// Add a keyring to caver.wallet with an address and private keys by roles
> caver.wallet.newKeyring('0x{address in hex}', [ ['0x{private key1}', ...], ['0x{private key2}', ...], ['0x{private key3}', ...] ])
You can use caver-js to submit various types of transactions to a node. Please refer to the caver.transaction to see how to create a transaction of each type.
You can sign the transaction using a keyring and send a signed transaction through caver.rpc.klay.sendRawTransaction
as shown below, and the receipt is returned as a result.
// Add a keyring to caver.wallet
> const keyring = caver.wallet.newKeyring('0x{address in hex}', '0x{private key}')
> const vt = new caver.transaction.valueTransfer({
from: keyring.address,
to: '0x176ff0344de49c04be577a3512b6991507647f72',
value: caver.utils.convertToPeb(1, 'KLAY'),
gas: 25000,
> caver.wallet.sign(keyring.address, vt).then(signed => {
blockHash: '0x0a78b5c5b95456b2d6b6a9ba25fd2afd0000d16bcf03a8ae58a6557a59319a67',
blockNumber: 8021,
contractAddress: null,
from: '0x09a08f2289d3eb3499868908f1c84fd9523fe11b',
type: 'TxTypeValueTransfer',
typeInt: 8,
value: '0xde0b6b3a7640000'
The above example uses Promise
when sending a signed transaction to the Klaytn. You can also use event emitter
like below.
caver.rpc.klay.sendRawTransaction(signed).on('transactionHash', function(hash){
}).on('receipt', function(receipt){
Units of KLAY is shown as below, and peb
is the smallest currency unit.
is the default unit unless the unit conversion is used.
Name | Unit |
peb | 1 |
kpeb | 1,000 |
Mpeb | 1,000,000 |
Gpeb | 1,000,000,000 |
ston | 1,000,000,000 |
uKLAY | 1,000,000,000,000 |
mKLAY | 1,000,000,000,000,000 |
KLAY | 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 |
kKLAY | 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 |
MKLAY | 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 |
GKLAY | 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 |
TKLAY | 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 |
caver-js provides the caver.utils.convertToPeb function for unit conversion. Please refer to the usage below.
> caver.utils.convertToPeb(1, 'peb')
> caver.utils.convertToPeb(1, 'Gpeb')
> caver.utils.convertToPeb(1, 'KLAY')
Documentation can be found at Klaytn Docs-caver-js.
The API lists of caver-js are described in folloinwg links:
- caver.account
- caver.wallet
- caver.wallet.keyring
- caver.transaction
- caver.rpc.klay
- caver.contract
- caver.abi
- caver.kct.kip7
- caver.kct.kip17
- caver.utils
- caver.ipfs
Since caver-js has been evolved from web3.js, usage pattern of caver-js is very similar to that of web3.js. This means a software developed using web3.js can be easily converted to caver-js. The following examples are code patterns used in web3.js and caver-js, respectively.
const Web3 = require('web3');
const web3 = new Web3(new web3.providers.HttpProvider('http://localhost:8545'));
const Caver = require('caver-js');
const caver = new Caver(new Caver.providers.HttpProvider('http://localhost:8545'));
Klaytn improves reporting transaction failure via txError in the receipt. caver-js further improves the report by presenting the error string that corresponds to txError.
The below is an example of a receipt containing txError.
Error: VM error occurs while running smart contract
"blockHash": "0xe7ec35c9fff1178d52cee1d46d40627d19f828c4b06ad1a5c3807698b99acb20",
"txError": "0x2",
The meaning of error code can be found below:
Error Code | Description |
0x02 | VM error occurs while running smart contract |
0x03 | max call depth exceeded |
0x04 | contract address collision |
0x05 | contract creation code storage out of gas |
0x06 | evm: max code size exceeded |
0x07 | out of gas |
0x08 | evm: write protection |
0x09 | evm: execution reverted |
0x0a | reached the opcode computation cost limit (100000000) for tx |
0x0b | account already exists |
0x0c | not a program account (e.g., an account having code and storage) |
0x0d | Human-readable address is not supported now |
0x0e | fee ratio is out of range [1, 99] |
0x0f | AccountKeyFail is not updatable |
0x10 | different account key type |
0x11 | AccountKeyNil cannot be initialized to an account |
0x12 | public key is not on curve |
0x13 | key weight is zero |
0x14 | key is not serializable |
0x15 | duplicated key |
0x16 | weighted sum overflow |
0x17 | unsatisfiable threshold. Weighted sum of keys is less than the threshold. |
0x18 | length is zero |
0x19 | length too long |
0x1a | nested composite type |
0x1b | a legacy transaction must be with a legacy account key |
0x1c | deprecated feature |
0x1d | not supported |
0x1e | smart contract code format is invalid |
The BApp (Blockchain Application) Development sample projects using caver-js are the following:
caver-java for Java