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Kim, Joo Hyuk edited this page Oct 12, 2023 · 1 revision

Jackson Project FAQ


What is the License?

Apache License 2.0 for Jackson 2.0 and later. Jackson 1.x was dual licensed so that user could choose either Apache License 2.0 or LGPL 2.1

Why do source files NOT contain license and/or copyright information

Some projects use (and require use of) per-file comment header which indicates license details and copyright assignments. Jackson project does not do this: we believe this is redundant and serves no useful purpose. Instead, the license information is contained in multiple places:

  • In src/main/resources/META-INF/LICENSE, so that it gets included in
    • Binary (jar)
    • Source archives (jar / zip)
  • pom.xml of the project (in some case parent pom)
  • Included in project Wiki pages

Is there (commercial) support available?

Yes! Starting with version 2.10 (released around end of September 2019), primary mechanism is through Tidelift subscriptions. You can subscribe to any number of Jackson components, and each component repo links to specific subscription: most common one being Tidelift subscription for 'jackson-databind'

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