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Java artifact that serves as a framework for the development of e2e tests based on WebDriver allowing its structuring and automatically providing additional functionalities


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Maven License: GPL v3

A Java artifact that serves as a framework for the development of e2e tests based on WebDriver allowing its structuring in TestsCases / Steps / Validations and automatically providing additional functionalities such as evidence capture, generation of detailed reports, exposition of execution from command line and API REST, parallelization, distributed execution in many machines and more.

Structure your tests

Easily structure your Test Cases with the @Test, @Step and @Validation annotations.

@Test (
	description="Type \"Hello World!\" and Check the result")
public void BUS001_GoogleSearchHelloWorld() {
	WebDriver driver = TestCaseTM.getDriverTestCase();
	searchInGoogle("Hello World!", driver);
@Step (
	description="Input the text #{textToSearch} and click button Search with Google",
	expected="At leas one entry with the text #{textToSearch} appears")
public void searchInGoogle(String textToSearch, WebDriver driver) {
	//Input Text to Search
	By byInputSearch = By.xpath("//input[@name='q']");
	//Click Search Button
	By buttonSearchBy = By.xpath("//input[@class='gNO89b']");
	click(buttonSearchBy, driver).exec();
	checkSearch(textToSearch, 2, driver);

@Validation (
	description="Appears at least an entry that contains the text #{textSearched}",
public boolean checkSearch(String textSearched, int maxWait, WebDriver driver) {
	By entryWithTextBy = By.xpath("//h3[text()[contains(.,'" + textSearched + "')]]");
	return state(Visible, entryWithTextBy, driver).wait(maxWait).check();

Capture evidences

Automatic capture page hardcopy when a problem is detected or configure each @Step for capture each type of evidence (Image, Html and Nettraffic) as needed.

@Step (
	description="Input the text #{textToSearch} and click button \"Search with Google\"",
	expected="At leas one entry with the text #{textToSearch} appears",
public void searchInGoogle(String textToSearch, WebDriver driver) {

Get detailed report about the execution

Report that shows in detail all the Steps and Validations executed in each TestCase, including links to each Step-Evidence and classifying the result in many levels: NOK, Defect, Warn, Info and OK.

Expose execution from Command Line

Allows you to launch a new Test Suite execution from Command Line and the use of parameters for configure that execution: select the suite to execute, driver to use, channel, list of testcases, initial url and many more.

-suite SmokeTest -driver chrome -channel desktop -application google -tcases BUS002,BUS001{4-2} -url

Note in that case the content of the tcases parameter indicates the execution of the two TestCases identificated by codes BUS002 and BUS001 but it will execute the BUS001 4 times parallelizing it in 2 diferent chrome browsers.

Expose API REST for manage Test Suite execution

Manage the execution of the Test Suites using the many services exposed by the TestMaker API REST that includes:

  • Execution of new parametrized Test Suite.
  • Consult Test Suite executed
  • Get Report HTML of Test Suite executed
  • Stop Test Suite in execution
  • Add/Remove TestMaker slaves installed in other machines

... and more.


Parallelize the execution of your TestCases using the parameter threadsfor indicate the max number of tests in parallel.

TestMaker will launch the tests on the machine it is running on, if the resources of that machine at the CPU/memory level are not enough for support that number of drivers/browser in parallel, there is the possibility of easily connecting other machines as where TestMaker is also running as a slaves.

Run it distributed in many machines

After built your proyect based on TestMaker you'll have the possibility to start it as a Server with that we will expose an API REST from wich you can execute your TestSuites or connect Server-TestMaker-slaves.

For example, if you have your project based on TestMaker packaged in myTestsUnderTM.jar and distributed in three diferent machines, you can start your project as a server-TestMaker and connect those of the machines 2 and 3 to the server of the machine 1 as follows.

machine-1 > java -jar myTestsUnderTM.jar -port 80

machine-2 > java -jar myTestsUnderTM.jar -port 80 -urlhub http://ip-machine-1:80

machine-3 > java -jar myTestsUnderTM.jar -port 80 -urlhub http://ip-machine-1:80

Then, you can use the API REST exposed in the machine-1 for execute a TestSuite against this server-1 that will automatically take the rol of hub and distribute remotely each of the TestCases in the TestMaker-Servers running in the machines 2 and 3. When the TestSuite Run finishes all the results will be ubicated in the machine-1 as if all tests had been run on that machine.

And more...

Reuse of WebDriver / Browsers

By default TestMaker creates a new WebDriver for each TestCase, this means that the WebDriver start/stop time is added to the total test time, in the case of Firefox or Chrome this time is usually between 4 or 5 seconds. Further, starting a browser consumes very CPU with what affects performance of the machine that hosts TestMaker and can reduce the maximum number of parallel TestCases that can be run on that machine.

TestMaker has an execution mode in wich it stores the WebDriver/Browsers already started for reuse them in the new TestCases that are created, this increases the speed of the tests and improves the performance of the host machine.

To activate this mode, simply add the parameter -reciclewd true to the execution of a new TestSuite.

Integration with BrowseStack

You can launch your automated TestCases implemented under TestMaker against your account of BrowserStack simply indicating as driver parameter the value browserstack and including the rest of parameters related to BrowserStack either for desktop or mobile.

Parameter Desktop Mobile Description Example Value Desktop Example Value Mobile
bStack_user X X User of your BrowserStack Automation service
bStack_password X X Password of your BrowserStack Automation service
bStack_os X X Operating System of the machine where to launch the tests Windows android
bStack_os_version X X Operating System version 8 9.0
bStack_browser X X Browser where to launch the tests Firefox Chrome
bStack_browser_version X - Browser version 68.0
bStack_resolution X - Resolution of the screen 1920x1080
bStack_device - X Name of the mobile device Samsung Galaxy S9 Plus
bStack_realMobile - X Flag that indicates if you want to use a real device or a emulation true

TestMaker will connect with BrowserStack and run the TestCases against it. So in the resultant report of TestMaker will appear a link to the build in BrowserStack Automate.

Google Test A/Bs management

Tests A/Bs that randomize the aspect of your GUI in the search for the variant most suitable for real users can be a real headcache for an automatic TestCase that uses that GUI. Imagine that you have a Test AB that randomly shows 3 visual variants of a HTML Page with a 33% probability for each one, then an Automatic Test than only supports one variant will fail 66% of the times it runs.

One solution is to modify the Test to indentify and support all three variants of the page. Sometimes this may be feasible but other times the costs of implementing and maintaining these adaptations can be really high.

TestMaker brings a solution for those Test AB's backed by Google Experiments and Google Optimize giving the option of establish a certain variant of each Test AB in each execution of an Automatic Test. For this you only need to create an object with the TestAB data and pass it to TestMaker along with the variant that you want to active.

Getting Started

Lets go build a new Maven Project based on TestMaker that will:

  • Expose access via Command Line and HTTP Rest API. Then we will can use many available parameters to customize the test suite execution.
  • Expose a TestSuite with one test that checks the "Hello World" input in Google.

Note. this example is available cloning the git repository, the project in question named 'hello-world-example' Is located in the folder /examples. Further, inside that project you can view a example of a execution-result browsing the file /output-library/SmokeTest/200419_123930335/ReportTSuite.html

Components to build

That project will include a pom.xml in addition to a few Java Classes, for simplicity I include all that clases in a same package.


The pom.xml has to include:

  • The dependency to the testmaker artifact
  • The artifact maven-compiler-plugin with a Java Version >= 1.8
  • The artifact TestMaker is based in AspectJ technology, then we need to include the aspectj-maven-plugin for weave the aspects from TestMaker.

A possible pom.xml can be:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns=""

			<!-- Seguramente si lo ejecuto sin testmaker se quejará de que no encuentra el aspectj en .m2 -->
			<!-- -->
					<encoding>UTF-8 </encoding>

That class implements the user access via Command Line.

package org.github.jorge2m.test;

import com.github.jorge2m.testmaker.boundary.access.CmdLineMaker;
import com.github.jorge2m.testmaker.domain.CreatorSuiteRun;
import com.github.jorge2m.testmaker.domain.InputParamsBasic;

public class CmdLineAccess {

	//Defines the aplications that can be tested from that project
	public enum Apps { google; }
	//Defines the suites of test that can be executed from that project
	public enum Suites { SmokeTest; }
	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
		//Creates the TestMaker class with the input parameters allowed
		InputParamsBasic inputParams = new InputParamsBasic(Suites.class, Apps.class);
		//Creates the via Command Line access based in the input parameters
		CmdLineMaker cmdLineAccess = CmdLineMaker.from(args, inputParams);
		//Checks the user input parameters
		if (cmdLineAccess.checkOptionsValue().isOk()) {
			//Defines the creator of TestSuites based in the user input parameters.
			CreatorSuiteRun creatorSuiteRun = new MyCreatorSuiteRun(inputParams);

If we also want manage the execution of the tests via the a HttpRestAPI we must implement a class like this:

package org.github.jorge2m.test;

import org.github.jorge2m.test.CmdLineAccess.Apps;
import org.github.jorge2m.test.CmdLineAccess.Suites;

import com.github.jorge2m.testmaker.boundary.access.ServerCmdLine;
import com.github.jorge2m.testmaker.boundary.access.ServerCmdLine.ResultCmdServer;
import com.github.jorge2m.testmaker.domain.CreatorSuiteRun;
import com.github.jorge2m.testmaker.restcontroller.ServerRestTM;

public class RestApiAccess {

	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
		//Parse and check of the input parameters for the Server-Rest-Api Start 
		ResultCmdServer result = ServerCmdLine.parse(args);
		if (result!=null && result.isOk()) {
			//Defines the creator of TestSuites
			CreatorSuiteRun creatorSuiteRun = new MyCreatorSuiteRun();
			//Start the server that exposes a Rest Api for the management of the tests (execution, consult, stop...)
			ServerRestTM serverRest = new ServerRestTM.Builder(creatorSuiteRun, Suites.class, Apps.class)

That class invoqued previously from CmdLineAccess and must extend from CreatorSuiteRun and only has to override the metod getSuiteMaker() that returns a TestSuite in function of the 'suite' parameter introduced by the user:

package org.github.jorge2m.test;

import java.util.Arrays;
import org.github.jorge2m.test.CmdLineAccess.Suites;
import com.github.jorge2m.testmaker.domain.CreatorSuiteRun;
import com.github.jorge2m.testmaker.domain.InputParamsBasic;
import com.github.jorge2m.testmaker.domain.SuiteMaker;

public class MyCreatorSuiteRun extends CreatorSuiteRun {

	//from CmdLineAccess
	public MyCreatorSuiteRun(InputParamsBasic inputParams) throws Exception {
	//from RestApiAccess
	public MyCreatorSuiteRun() throws Exception {
	public SuiteMaker getSuiteMaker() throws Exception {
		switch ((Suites)inputParams.getSuite()) {
		case SmokeTest:
			return (new SuiteSmokeTest(inputParams)); 
			//That shouldn't happen because the access via CommandLine/RestApi validates 
			//that the parameter 'suite' is a value of the Suites enum.
			System.out.println("Suite Name not valid. Posible values: " + Arrays.asList(Suites.values()));
			return null;

Class that must extend from SuiteMaker and that creates a specific TestSuite.

package org.github.jorge2m.test;

import java.util.Arrays;
import com.github.jorge2m.testmaker.domain.InputParamsTM;
import com.github.jorge2m.testmaker.domain.SuiteMaker;
import com.github.jorge2m.testmaker.domain.TestRunMaker;

public class SuiteSmokeTest extends SuiteMaker {

	//Creation of the TestRun indicating the name of the suite and the classes with the @Test's to execute.
	public SuiteSmokeTest(InputParamsTM iParams) {
		TestRunMaker testRun = TestRunMaker.from(
		//Assignate the TestRun to the suite

Tip by default 3 is the number ot tests in parallell that TestMaker will execute for each suite but yo can modify it in two ways.

  1. In the present class using the method setThreadCount(int threadCount) of the parent class
  2. Using the user parameter 'threads', for example -threads 5 for the access via command line. This method takes precedence over point one.

Finally in that class we implement the @Test that must be executed structured in @Step's and @Validation's. In that example there is only a @Test but there may be as many as necessary an can be filtered in the moment of the execution with the user-parameter 'tests'.

package org.github.jorge2m.test;

import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;

import com.github.jorge2m.testmaker.boundary.aspects.step.Step;
import com.github.jorge2m.testmaker.boundary.aspects.validation.Validation;
import com.github.jorge2m.testmaker.conf.State;
import com.github.jorge2m.testmaker.domain.suitetree.TestCaseTM;

import static com.github.jorge2m.testmaker.service.webdriver.pageobject.PageObjTM.*;
import static com.github.jorge2m.testmaker.service.webdriver.pageobject.StateElement.State.*;

public class TestsGoogle {
	@Test (
		description="Type \"Hello World!\" and Check the result")
	public void BUS001_CheckGoogleMoreResults() {
		//Get the WebDriver associated to the @Test with a initial URL defined in the 'url' user-parameter
		WebDriver driver = TestCaseTM.getDriverTestCase();
		//Execution of a Step/Validation
		searchInGoogle("Hello World!", driver);
	@Step (
		description="Input the text <b>#{textToSearch}</b> and click button \"Search with Google\"",
		expected="At leas one entry with the text #{textToSearch} appears",
	public void searchInGoogle(String textToSearch, WebDriver driver) {
		//Input Text to Search
		By byInputSearch = By.xpath("//input[@name='q']");
		//Click Search Button
		By buttonSearchBy = By.xpath("//input[@class='gNO89b']");
		click(buttonSearchBy, driver).exec();
		checkTextSearched(textToSearch, driver);
	@Validation (
		description="Appears at least an entry that contains the text #{textSearched}",
	public boolean checkTextSearched(String textSearched, WebDriver driver) {
		By entryWithTextBy = By.xpath("//h3[text()[contains(.,'" + textSearched + "')]]");
		return state(Visible, entryWithTextBy, driver).check();

Note the label "Canal:desktop_App:google" in the attribute 'groups' of the @Test is used for label the channel and application to witch belongs the test. That is useful to be able of filter the tests to execute via the user parameters 'channel' and 'application' respectively. If you want that a @Test not to be filtered, you must use a label of type "Canal:all_App:all"

Tip. In the text associated to the attribute 'description' of the @Step and @Validation annotations you can print any parameter from the method associated throught tye syntax #{nameParameter}. Yo also can get a innermost value using #{nameParameter.getX()} or #{nameParameter.getX().getY()}

Note. By default TestMaker gets a Hardcopy of the browser-page associated with a @Step only when a problem happens (tipically a @Validation fails). In the example we use the method saveImagePage=SaveWhen.Always to force the capture of the page in all cases, including the Ok one.


Build the project via a "maven clean install" and then you are ready for execute the automatic test.

Execution via Command Line.

Run the class CmdLineAccess. Yo can use different parameters for configure execution, here I leave several possibilities:

  • Execution TestCase BUS001 in desktop mode against Chrome

-suite SmokeTest -driver chrome -channel desktop -application google -tcases BUS001 -url

  • 4 times execution TestCase BUS001 in desktop mode against Chrome paralellizing 2 browsers/testcases
  • Idem to previous execution but against Firefox and reusing the browsers then increasing speed of execution

-suite SmokeTest -driver firefox -channel desktop -application google -tcases BUS001{4-2} -reciclewd true -url

Then a ReportTSuite.html with the results of the execution will appear in the directory /output-library/SmokeTest/idTestTimestamp inside the project.

Note TestMaker uses default versions for the webdriver of Chrome (ChromeDriver) and Firefox (GeckoDriver). But perhaps that versions of the drivers doesn't support the version of chrome/firefox installed in your machine so the execution will fail. In this case you will have to locate the correct version number of the driver (you don't have to download anyting, only get the version number) in the oficial pages for ChromeDriver ( and GeckoDriver ( and enter it as a new parameter 'driverVersion'. For example:

-suite SmokeTest -driver chrome -driverVersion 83.0.4103.14 -channel desktop -application google -tcases BUS001 -url -suite SmokeTest -driver firefox -driverVersion 0.26.0 -channel desktop -application google -tcases BUS001 -url

Execution via Http Rest API

Run the class RestApiAccess with the parameter -port 80 (if you what to expose a secure port use the parameter -secureport). If the server starts correctly you'll see the message:

Started Jetty Server! HttpPort: 80

Then you must invoke the POST resource 'suiterun' with body parameters similar to those defined in the access via command line, only with the diference that you must add the parameter store=true for persist the resource asociated to the suiterun. For example, call to http://localhost:80/suiterun/ using the body parameters:

parameter value
suite SmokeTest
driver chrome
channel desktop
application google
tcases BUS001{4-2}
store true
(Adding the parameter driverVersion if necessary)

The execution will return a response that includes an attribute 'idExecSuite' with the identificator of the test in timestamp format. You can find the HTML result in the same directory that in the case of the execution via command line or you can visualize it calling to the resource of the API Rest: http://localhost:80/suiterun/{{idExecSuite}}/report (for example, http://localhost:80/suiterun/200418_192217511/report). If you run that URL form a browser you'll obtain the HTML report.

Result Report

In both executions we will obtain a HTML report with the same testcase BUS001 repeated 4 times. In each testcase there will be the step/validation executed together with links to the capture of the page and their HTML. Here you can see an example of an execution:

Invocation Reference Guide

Command Line

A project built under TestMaker can be called from Command Line for run a new TestSuite invoking the corresponding main class that implements that access. You can see a description for the list of parameters using the parameter -help. The list with all the parameters is as follows (to wich should be added the specific ones for BrowserStack described in the previous section "Integration with BrowserStack")

Parameter Required Function_Description Values Example
suite yes Name of the TestSuite to execuite The defined by each project in the corresponding enum SmokeTest
driver yes Name of the driver chrome, chromehless, firefox, firefoxhless, chromedriver 1 chrome
channel yes Channel where the tests will be run desktop or mobile desktop
application yes Aplication to wich the tests refer The defined by each project in the corresponding enum google
url no Initial url that will be loaded in the webdriver Any URL with correct format
tcases no Filter with the list of test cases that must be executed A comma-separated list with the name or code of the metod marked with @Test 2 BUS001, FIC002
groups no Filter with the groups of tests that must be executed A comma-separated list with the name of the groups existent in the atribute 'groups' of the @Test Buscador, Ficha
version no Value to label the execution3 Any identifier test_payment
threads no Number of threads for parallelize TestCases A integer number (3 by default) 5
reciclewd no Flag to reuse the drivers of TestCases already finished (false by default) true, false (by default) true
asyncexec no Flag to indicate if you don't want wait for the completion of execution true, false (by default) true
net no Flag for capture the Http Nettraffic for each @Step true, false (by default) true
storebd no Level of item store in bd[^ 4] nostore, suite, testrun, testcase (by default), step, validation validation
mails no List of emails to wich you want to send a email with the Report of the TestSuite execution Comma-separated list of emails,
driverVersion no The version of the driver 4 Driver version of (ChromeDriver, GeckoDriver, etc.) 83.0.4103.14

[^ 4]: There are some services of the TestMaker API Rest who depends on this previous storage, for example the consult of a TestSuite execution.


The execution of a new TestCase Run is an operation also exposed in the TestMaker REST API. But in this type of access yo also have requests for manage the TestCase Run executions (detail, list, stop, purge, etc.) and for connect/disconnect servers and create the infraestructure for execute tests in a distributed way.

The complete TestMaker API Documentation

Run in Postman


  1. TestMaker goes with that embedded drivers out of the box, but from each project yo can add new webdrivers or overwrite the embedded ones

  2. In each TestCase identifier you can add {number} that specifies the times that TestCase will be executed. Further, you can add a second number that identifies the paralellization for the execution of these TestCases, for example, a valid value could be: "BOR001,FIC002{5-2}"

  3. For user use. In many occasions it may be useful for the script to work differently based on the value of this parameter.

  4. TestMaker uses a default version for each driver that you can override with this parameter


Java artifact that serves as a framework for the development of e2e tests based on WebDriver allowing its structuring and automatically providing additional functionalities







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