This is an E-Commerce Web Client built with React that integrates with Material-UI (MUI) for UI components and includes features like payment processing with Stripe.
This project is based on the Udemy course Learn to Build an e-Commerce Store with .NET, React & Redux by Neil Cummings.
- Framework:
- React 18.3.1
- Vite 5.4.10 (Build tool)
- UI Components & Styling:
- Material-UI (MUI) 5.16.7
- MUI Icons & Lab components
- Emotion for styled components
- State Management & Forms:
- Redux 5.0.1
- Redux Toolkit 2.2.7
- React Hook Form 7.52.2
- Yup 1.4.0 for validation
- Payment Processing:
- Stripe.js 4.3.0
- React Stripe.js 2.8.0
- Additional Features:
- React Router 6.26.0 for routing
- Axios 1.7.3 for API requests
- React Dropzone 14.3.5 for file uploads
- React Slick 0.30.2 for carousels
- React Toastify 10.0.6 for notifications
- Development Tools:
- TypeScript 5.6.2
- ESLint 9.13.0
Before you begin, ensure you have the following installed:
- Node.js (v18.x or higher)
- npm (v8.x or higher)
- Git
- Visual Studio Code or preferred IDE
- Backend API
Follow these steps to get the project up and running on your local machine:
# Clone the project
git clone
# Navigate to the project directory
cd e-commerce-course-web-client
npm install
npm run dev
The application will be available at:
This application requires the E-Commerce Course API to be running. You can find the backend repository here: E-Commerce Course API