TpaSystem is a plugin with commands to teleport between players, it is simple and very useful
/tpa send <player>
Send a request to the player/tpa accept
Accept the player's request/tpa deny
deny the player's request/tpa all
make everyone come to you (only for people with permits)
Command: Commando
# are configurable
already_tpa_pending: "§e{PLAYER}§7 already has a pending tpa, please wait for it to finish"
expired_tpa: "§cThe tpa has expired"
tpa_send_request: "§e{PLAYER}§a has received your tpa request"
tpa_target_request: "§aHey, you've received a request from:§e {PLAYER}"
tpa_accept_request: "§aYou have accepted the tpa successfully"
tpa_deny_request: "§cYou have rejected the tpa request"
no_pending_tpa: "§cIt seems that you do not have any pending tpa"
message_broadcast_tpall: "§aEveryone will be teleported in§e {TIME}§a seconds"
default: true
default: op