Interact with Azure CosmosDB document using Powershell
Change these variables to make it work for your account.
$CosmosDBEndPoint = ""
$DatabaseId = "DatabaseName"
$CollectionId = "CollectionName"
$MasterKey = "xx Your read/write key xxx"
This script use the REST api to interact with Cosmos documents.
I've created/copied/modified 6 functions.
- Generate-MasterKeyAuthorizationSignature
- Query-CosmosDb
- New-CosmosDocument
- Set-CosmosDocument
- Get-CosmosDocument
- Remove-CosmosDocument
As an example the script retrieves the serialnumber, model and BIOS version of my computer and creates a Cosmos document.
$jsonRequest = @{
model = "eniac"
biosversion = "1.2"
$json = $jsonRequest | ConvertTo-Json
New-CosmosDocument -EndPoint $CosmosDBEndPoint -DataBaseId $DatabaseId -CollectionId $CollectionId -MasterKey $MasterKey -JSON $JSON