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NodePop - Classified Ads

Practice requeriments:

Product list with pagination, filters and sorting:

Existing Tag List

Product Creation

More info and Testing in API Documentation

API Docs

Production API Documentation

NodePop Application

NodePop is a web application that allows users to buy and sell products. This README provides an overview of the application's features, setup, and usage.

Table of Contents

  1. Features
  2. Getting Started
  3. Installation
  4. Configuration
  5. Usage
  6. Folder Structure
  7. Contributing
  8. License


NodePop offers the following features:

  • User registration and authentication
  • Product listing and browsing
  • Product creation, editing, and deletion
  • Add and Delete Products Likes
  • User profile management
  • User role management (admin, user, tester)
  • User avatars and uploaded image handling
  • Data population for tester users
  • Application statistics tracking
  • JWT-based authentication and authorization
  • Rate limiting for API endpoints
  • Swagger API documentation

Getting Started

Follow these steps to install NodePop on your system:


Clone the Repository

To get started, clone this repository to your local machine using the following command:

git clone

cd nodepop-fullstack

npm run setup-project


Before running the application, you need to configure environment variables in a .env file. Copy and paste the following content into a file named .env at the project's root and fill in the values as needed:

JWT_EXPIRES_IN=jwt_duration(expample: 30d)


To start the NodePop application, run the following command:

Development enviroment

If you want to run the app in development first make sure that NODE_ENV env variable in .env file is set to development then run the following commands:

npm run setup-project

npm run dev

Navigate to http://locahost:5137

Production environment

If you want to run the app in development first make sure that NODE_ENV env variable in .env file is set to production then run the following commands:

First time build.

npm setup-production-build

npm start

Build once the server have been build at least one time. In order to backup users related data (avatar and products images) there is another script that you should run to rebuild the server once it has users/products with uploaded images.

npm rebuild-app

npm start

In both cases Navigate to http://locahost:3000 or whatever port you setup in .env file


NodePop uses cookies for user authentication and session management. When a user logs in, a JSON Web Token (JWT) is generated on the server and sent to the client as a cookie. This token contains information about the user's authentication status and session. The cookie is then included in subsequent requests to authenticate the user and maintain their session. It ensures that users don't have to re-enter their credentials for each request.

Account Creation Process


Users can create an account by navigating to the registration page and providing their name, email, password, and other optional information.


The provided information is validated on the server to ensure it meets the required criteria (e.g., valid email format, strong password).

User Role Assignment

During registration, NodePop automatically assigns a role to the user based on certain conditions. For example, the first registered user might be assigned the "admin" role, while subsequent users get the "user" role.

User Creation

After validation, a new user account is created in the database. The user's password is securely hashed before storage.

Folder Creation

A folder is created for the user (using their unique user ID) to store their files, such as avatars and uploaded images.

JWT Generation

Upon successful registration, the user is issued a JWT token for authentication.

Login Process


Users can log in by providing their registered email and password on the login page.


The provided credentials are validated on the server.


If the credentials are valid, NodePop checks the user's role. If the user's role is "tester," a database population process is triggered to create sample data.

JWT Generation

Upon successful login, the user is issued a JWT token, which is sent to the client as a cookie for subsequent authentication.

CRUD Operations

General CRUD operations explained next, for all endpoints available in the API please refer to API Docs.

CRUD Operations on Products

NodePop allows authorized users ("user" and "admin" roles) to perform CRUD operations on products.

Create Product

Users can create a new product by providing product details such as name, price, image, and tags. Users may also upload an image for the product. Upon creation, the product is associated with the user who created it.

Read Product

Users can view a list of all products. Additionally, users can view details of a specific product by clicking on its listing. The product details include its name, price, image, tags, and the user who created it.

Read Unique TAGS

Users can view a list of current unique TAGS within all the Products Stored in the Database.

Filter Products:

Users can filter products based on specific criteria such as price range, availability (on sale or not), and tags. Filters can be applied using query parameters when fetching the list of products.

Example Query to Filter Products by Price Range (Min Price: 100, Max Price: 500):


Sort Products:

Users can sort the list of products by different attributes, including name, price, and creation date. Sorting options are available as query parameters.

Example Query to Sort Products by Price in Ascending Order:



When viewing a list of products, users can navigate through multiple pages of results. The pagination feature allows users to specify the page number and the number of items per page.

Example Query to Get the Second Page of Products with 10 Items per Page:


Full Filter, Sort, Pagination Query Example

For products with letter a, that are on sale onSale=on-sale, containing tag mobile tags=mobile, sort by oldest products sort=oldest, limited to 10 products per page limit=10, showing the page 2 page=2 and in a 119 to 979 price range price=119-979


Update Product

Users can update the details of a product they created. They can modify the name, price, image, tags, and other attributes. Users can also upload a new image for the product.

Delete Product

Users can delete a product they created. This action removes the product from the system.

CRUD Operations on Users

Certain authorized users ("user" and "admin" roles) have the privilege to perform CRUD operations on user accounts.

Update User

Users can update the details of his account, including their name, email, role, and avatar. They can also change the user's password.

Delete User

Users can delete his account including all associated data and files. This action is irreversible and permanently removes the user from the system.

CRUD Operations on Likes

Certain authorized users ("user" and "admin" roles) have the privilege to perform CRUD operations on product likes.

Add Like

Users can Add a Like to a Product.

Delete Like (Unlike)

Users can Unlike a Product.

API Documentation

NodePop provides API documentation using Swagger. You can access the API documentation at http://localhost:3000/api/v1/docs when the application is running.

Folder Structure

The folder structure of NodePop is organized as follows:

  ├── src/
  │   ├── controllers/
  │   ├── db/
  │   ├── dtos/
  │   ├── errors/
  │   ├── middleware/
  │   ├── models/
  │   ├── public/
  │   ├── routes/
  │   ├── services/
  │   ├── types/
  │   ├── utils/
  │   └── index.ts
  ├── .env
  ├── .gitignore
  ├── package.json
  └── ...other project files


Nodepop fullstack app






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