- Install Python 3
- Install Selenium for Python
- Install Chrome
- Install ChromeDriver and add it to the PATH
- Add your intranet email and password to config.py
- Create an alias so the program can be accessed from other directories e.g.
alias hippochecker='/your/file/path/hippochecker/hippochecker.py'
$ hippochecker <project> <problem(s)>
where <project>
is the project number e.g. 272, 229, etc.
and problem(s)
are separated by commas (4,1,5) or a single hyphen (0-10) or "all".
$ hippochecker 272 4,1,5
$ hippochecker 229 0-10
$ hippochecker 229 all
Options can be turned on or off in config.py.
Turn on headless
to run the headless version of Chrome (i.e. no browser window open).
- I recommend turning this off during setup/troubleshooting or if you turn
Turn on results_in_terminal
to get results reported in the terminal.
Increase max_wait_time
if a timeout has occurred or the checker delay has started.
- Projects with manual reviews preceding checks will throw off reported results.