Usually if you want to style a custom select, you need a weighty plugin to either translate an existing select into a list, apply a whole bunch of JavaScript originated styling to that list, attach a load of custom event handlers to that list and then force those handlers to update the original element.
It's cumbersome, heavy-handed, and ultimately unnecessary.
Scriptless Selects allows you to use native elements that inherently allow styling to simulate a select experience without all the overhead.
Scriptless selects use custom-styled radio button groups in place of lists, and power all interactive features via CSS as opposed to JavaScript. This allows for faster load times and solutions which work even when the client browser doesn't run JS.
<div class="custom-select">
<input id="custom-selector" type="radio" name="option_list" />
<label for="custom-selector">
<div class="cover"></div>
<ul class="options">
<li class="placeholder">Select an Option</li>
<input id="option-selector-1-radio" type="radio" name="option_list" />
<label for="option-selector-1-radio"><b>Option 1</b></label>
<input id="option-selector-2-radio" type="radio" name="option_list" />
<label for="option-selector-2-radio"><i>Option 2</i></label>
<input id="option-selector-3-radio" type="radio" name="option_list" />
<label for="option-selector-3-radio">Option 3</label>
Rendered Output