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Unsplash Photo Grid Clone with Nuxt 3

This is a Nuxt 3 application that displays a photo grid. The photos are fetched from an external API and displayed dynamically. It also handles query parameters such as page and per_page, and includes an image loading state and responsive layout.


  • Nuxt 3 Framework: Leverages the power of Nuxt 3 for server-side rendering (SSR).
  • Photo Grid: Displays a list of photos catering for their staggering sizes with smooth animations and a modal view for individual photos.
  • API Integration: Fetches data from an external API using useAsyncData + $fetch.
  • Query Parameters Sync: Syncs page and per_page query parameters with the router.
  • Lazy Loading: Efficient image loading with low-quality placeholder images using the NuxtImg library.
  • Caching: API response caching to avoid unnecessary requests and improve performance.
  • Error Handling: Displays a "No Results" message if no photos are found.

Technologies Used

  • Nuxt 3: Server-side rendering and some other cool out-of-the box stuff like automatic syntaxes and component file imports.
  • TypeScript: Strict type checking for predictable, scalable code.
  • CSS Nesting: Styles written in CSS implementing nesting for easy maintainability and flexibility.
  • CSS Variables & Animations: Utilized for smooth transitions and responsiveness.
  • Unsplash API: External API for fetching images.

Live Demo

Check out the live demo here