This module allows linux to fetch user and group data from any web api that matches the right specification
If you wish to do further development on this perform the following:
- Clone the repository
- Run
to install the required development packages - Fill out
and copy it to/etc/security/mongonss.conf
- Make your changes
- Run
./build && ./deploy
to build the package and then deploy it on your current machine - Modify
to enable the module
passwd: files mongo sss
shadow: files sss
group: files mongo sss
If you break the module while it's checked first, you won't be able to SSH back into the machine
This is surprisingly easy to do...
You can test the module using the id
and groups
The definitions for all of the methods can be found by just googling them, the same is true for the special passwd and group structs.
With the exception of initgroups_dyn which is a nightmare to find any info on.
This is the best source I've found for example code:
This is done using fpm, after you have run to create and populate the "target" directory.
You can install fpm on centos 7 using the command below.
yum install -y ruby-devel gcc make rpm-build rubygems && gem install --no-ri --no-rdoc ffi -v 1.12 && gem install --no-ri --no-rdoc fpm -v 1.11.0 && gem install --no-ri --no-rdoc fpm -v 1.4.0
For other operating systems, check here ->
fpm -s dir -t rpm -d openldap -d libcurl -d libconfig -n mongonss --version 1.0.0 -C target/ --description "NSS module for Authentication with REST api"
The api that this module contacts must exactly match this spec or things will go horribly wrong.
The endpoints are routing must have the facility at the root before anything else[^1]<facility_name>/
facility_name = 'isis' or 'clf'
If no user or group data can be found, return python None
type, which this C module interprets as the string "null".
Returned json object should include:
"pw_name": "jc1104039",
"pw_passwd": "x",
"pw_uid": 2024922,
"pw_gid": 1751502,
"pw_gecos": "",
"pw_dir": "/home/jc1104039",
"pw_shell": "/bin/bash"
Returned json object should be the same as above.
Returned json object should include:
"gr_name": "RB1610093",
"gr_passwd": "x",
"gr_gid": 1757409
Returned json object should be the same as above.
Returned json object should be in the following format:
"gids": [1754318, 1757409]
Where "gids" is a list of the gids for each group the user is in.
[^1] Technically you can point this at any api, which means it doesn't need this base routing. However the api we use has this hard coded base routing to be able to determine if it should get information for ISIS or CLF