is a new minor-mode (meghanada-mode
) that aims at improving the editing
experience for Java. It works by using a combination of an Emacs
package and meghanada-server.
- Easy install
- Auto-update server module
- Gradle and Maven and Eclipse project support
- No need build tool's plugin
- Run build tool task
- Compile your project
- Syntax check and analyze java source (
) - Support
Generic Types
- Code completion with company-mode (
) - Optimize import and sort
- Find definitions and references using builtin xref
- Run JUnit test (include test runner)
- Diagnostic reporting with flycheck (
) - Show symbol's type info with
- Full-featured text search
is tested under Linux
, Windows
and macOS
(Welcome contributions !)
Meghanada has been developed Emacs 25.1.1
Package | Version |
cl-lib |
0.5 |
yasnippet | 0.6.1 |
company-mode | 0.9.0 |
flycheck | 0.23 |
require meghanada-server and JDK (not JRE).
meghanada-server is The language server.
The language server provides a simple interface between meghanada-mode
and It is a protocol based on a simple S-expression.
This server is developed in Java and supports Java version 8 or later.
The architecture between the server and the client is very similar to the language server protocol. The server retrieves and updates all information in the Java project at file save time and at compile time. If the autocompletion information is not displayed correctly, please try to fix the compilation error first.
Install meghanada from melpa.
An example is shown below.
(require 'meghanada)
(add-hook 'java-mode-hook
(lambda ()
;; meghanada-mode on
(meghanada-mode t)
(flycheck-mode +1)
(setq c-basic-offset 2)
;; use code format
(add-hook 'before-save-hook 'meghanada-code-beautify-before-save)))
((eq system-type 'windows-nt)
(setq meghanada-java-path (expand-file-name "bin/java.exe" (getenv "JAVA_HOME")))
(setq meghanada-maven-path "mvn.cmd"))
(setq meghanada-java-path "java")
(setq meghanada-maven-path "mvn")))
The server will be automatically installed to ~/.emacs.d/meghanada/meghanada-x.x.jar
If you open a java file and set meghanada-mode
, a meghanada-server process starts automatically and connects to your Emacs.
The server will be automatically updated. To manually update bellows, type
M-x meghanada-update-server
The server will be installed and updated automatically.
If you set it up manually, please follow the instructions below.
A meghanada-setup.jar is a small program that automatically updates the server.
This can be downloaded from:
Move the downloaded setup.jar to .emacs.d/meghanada/. Start Emacs and enable meghanada-mode.
Autocompletion is supported by company-mode. Supported autocompletions are as follows
- Import Class
- Class
- Method
- Field
- Local Variable
If the completion candidates are not displayed correctly, try to fix the compilation error first. Auto-completion matching is optional. Try typing the following to find out more.
M-x customize-group RET meghanada
and M-x customize-group RET company-meghanada
Syntax checks, such as compile errors, are supported by flycheck
This includes -Xlint
uses google-java-format
by default for formatter.
It also support Eclipse formatter.
If you want to customize and use the Eclipse formatter please export the formatter settings from Eclipse to a file.
Then rename the file to meghanadaFormatter.xml
and place it in the project root or subproject root.
will automatically load and import it.
If you want to use a system wide formatter, deploy the file to $HOME/.emacs.d/meghanada/meghanadaFormatter.xml
has no debugger yet. However, the external debugger is supported.
if you want to debug your code, execute meghanada-debug-xxxx
function and then use realgud, etc.
# in Emacs now:
M-x meghanada-debug-junit-class
Please wait ...
M-x realgud:jdb
Run jdb (like this): jdb -attach 6006
Set uncaught java.lang.Throwable
Set deferred uncaught java.lang.Throwable
Initializing jdb ...
VM Started: No frames on the current call stack
main[1] stop at example.MyClass:100 // set breakpoint
main[1] run
To customize other aspects of its behavior, type M-x customize-group RET meghanada
and M-x customize-group RET company-meghanada
See *meghanada-server-log*
buffer. or (temporary-file-directory)meghanada_server_(user-uid).log
, e.g. /tmp/meghanada_server_1000.log
Please press C-g
when emacs seems to hang.
Here is a list of available interactive commands.
Definitions and references can be found from the xref command.
Download and install meghanada-server jar.
Download and update meghanada-server jar. and restart the server process.
Start meghanada-server process and connect to the server.
call this function by default. when open java file and set meghanada-mode
Restart meghanada-server process and client process.
Kill meghanada-server process.
Connect to other meghanada-server directly.
Connect to meghanada-server . Call automatically at the start meghanada-mode
Disconnect from meghanada-server .
Send ping meghanada-server
Clear meghanada-server's project cache data.
Add import all unqualified classes.
Import all and remove unused import statement.
The format of the import statement will be in google-java-format
Add import statement from symbol at point.
Introduce local variable. (need expression is end ;
Compile file (and related files).
Show project details.
Compile project (full build and reindex).
Switch test case or source.
Run main class.
Debug main class.
It does a full-text search based search (class, method, symbol (field)).
It does a full-text search expert-mode (Enter a query for Lucene).
Here is a list of fields that can be used in the search.
- package
- class
- method
- symbol
- usage
- dc (method's or field's declaring class)
ex. Seach class name contains Search
It can also use AND operator
dc:*Optional* AND usage:get
Show type hierarchies and implements interfaces.
Run JUnit test class.
Run JUnit test case (select from imenu).
Debug JUnit test class.
Debug JUnit test case (select from imenu).
Run build tool task.
Format buffer code. The default formatter is google-java-format
- Refactoring
Contributions are extremely welcome! Please push PR to dev
GPL v3, See LICENSE file.