A bot with mongodb backend capable of taking commands from any channel and
redirecting the result to another channel, whilst logging in a set admin log channel.
Perfect for pranking/anonymous commands.
I removed my discord tokens and url for mongodb because there are spiders with malicious intent going around.
To get this bot properly working, obtain a bot token at https://discordapp.com/developers/applications/
Put the token in the auth.json file appropriately.
To setup the mongodb, you can either run it on your computer or use mongo atlas.
Create a database named "mydb" and collection named "server"
Mongo Atlas can be found at: https://cloud.mongodb.com/
To run mongodb on your computer see: https://www.mongodb.com/
Put the access url in /mongodb/db.js -> url variable
I used node.js to run this bot. Install dependencies:
npm install discord.js mongodb winston bignumber.js
To start the bot run:
node main/main.js
(prefix)help - Displays the help menu
(prefix)prefix - Changes the current prefix command
(prefix)adminchannel - Sets/updates the adminchannel for the server
(prefix)sudo (optional params..) - Sudos the command in another channel IF there is an adminchannel on the server