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Helper functions to simplify writing setup scripts that modify VenusOs functionality. The package includes automatic reinstallation of the package after a VenusOs update.

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New: SetupHelper now includes an automatic install using SD/USB media
    without the need for command line access

The SetupHelper package provides:
    a set of utilities to simplfy installing modifications to Victron Venus Os
    a mechanism to automatically reinstall them following a Venus OS update
    an automatic update mechanism to keep packages up to date
        from GitHub archives or USB stick
    a manual package installation mechanism from GitHub archives or USB stick
    an automatic install from SD/USB media

NOTE: Starting with v2.80~10, the root partition is mounted read only
    This package and those that use these resources rely on a writable /root partition
    so CommonResources runs the script to make it writable

Supported pacages are:
    SetupHelper GeneratorConnector GuiMods GuiMods2 RpiDisplaySetup RpiGpioSetup ShutdownManager TankRepeater

More information is provided below.

There are three methods to fetch a package archive.

New: You can install SetupHelper and GuiMods without need of command line access

    1) Download venus-data.tgz from the GitHub repo.
    2) copy it to the root of a freshly formatted SD card or USB memory stick
    3) place the media in the GX device (Cerbo, CCGX, etc)
    4) reboot the GX device TWICE
        after the second reboot, you should see the GUI restart and display
        the enhanced flow overview from GuiMods2
        If GuiMods2 was previously installed, the Grid Parallel overview
            is automatically selected
    5) remove the media from the GX device to prevent the next reboot from
        starting the process all over again

    CAUTION: This mechanism overwrites /data/rcS.local !!!!
        If you are using rcS.local to perform boot-time activities,
        /data/rcS.local must be recreated following this "blind" install
        Note that SetupHelper and GuiMods2 also use /data/rcS.local for
        reinstallation following a firmware update so use caution in
        recreating rcS.local.

    venus-data.tgz is available here:
    and here:
    One may be newer than the other. In any case, automatic updates
        will update any package that is out of date following the blind install

If the Venus device has internet access is to run the following command:

wget -qO - | tar -xzf - -C /data

If the Venus device does not have internet access, you will need to fetch the archive using a computer that does have internet access:

click on this link in a web browser:

rename the resulting .tar.gz file to venus-data.tar.gz
copy the venus-data.tar.gz to a USB stick,
put the stick in the Venus device and reboot.
When Venus boots, it will unarchive the file to /data/SetupHelper-current

Move the directory into it's active locaiton:
rm -rf /data/SetupHelper
mv /data/SetupHelper-current /data/SetupHelper

Finally, run the setup script to complete the installation

Use the manual or automatic update mechnism for future updates


There are two parts to SetupHelper:
1) Install and update utilities help a user manage packages.

2) Resources to help writing scripts to perform the installation.

The latter is of concern only to those writing new Venus modificaitons
or modifying an existing setup script.
These are described in detail later in the document.

SetupHelper package management:

The intent of this part of SetupHelper is to minimize the effort needed
to install and update packages.

packageAutoUpdater handles automatic package updates. 

Automatic updates can be controlled via the Device List / Settings / Package Versions menu
        or options in the SetupHelper setup script
    Normal checks GitHub for a package once every 10 minutes
    Fast checks GitHub for a package once every 10 seconds
    Once checks GitHub for a package once every 10 minutes, but only once, then updates are turned off
    Disable disables GitHub updates

If enabled, automatic GitHub update checks will download and install the GitHub version
    of all installed packages if it is newer than the current version.

If you are experimenting with modificaitons and wish to avoid GitHub updates overriding your work,
disable automatic updates.

USB updates are handy when the Venus device is not connected to the internet.

To use the USB update process:
    Navigate to the GitHub, repo, click on tags and select "current". 
    Choose the .tar.gz download link.
    (Do not download from the Code tab or download the .zip file. These won't work.)
    Copy the archive files to a USB memory stick.
    Do NOT unpack the archive
    Insert the stick in the Venus device.

Regardless the update source (USB or GitHub),
packageAutoUpdater replaces the current copy on the Venus device with the archive contents
    but only if the version number of the source is newer than the one that's installed.
Then the package's setup script is run to reinstall the modificaitons.
No user interaction is needed in this process.

You may wish to dispalbe GitHub updates if you are updating from a USB/SD memory stick to avoid conflicts.
(GitHub and files on a USB stick could have different versions.)

packageAutoUpdater runs in the background (as a service).

packageInstaller provides the opportunity to install packages for the first time, or reinstall them.
For each package, packageInstaller prompts the user to install that package.
Packages that are already installed will be skipped if automatic updates are enabled.

Packages can be installed from either a USB memory stick/SD memory card or from GitHub.
After the package is copied to the Venus device it's setup script is run
and the user must answer the prompts to complete the instalation.

The method of putting an archive on a USB stick for manaul install is the same as the one for automatic updates.

As with package automatic updates, GitHub is the desired source if your Venus device has an internet connection.

packageInstaller is called from the SetupHelper setup script by choosing the package (p) option at the main prompt.
The packageInstaller is a shell script and can also be run manually:

Setup script aids:

SetupHelper provides a number of functions and variables that simplfy scripts written to
install Venus OS mods. The remainder of this ReadMe describes the resources available and
how to incorporate them into a setup script. 

Read on if you are intersting in writing a package setup script (or modifying an existing one) 
or understanding how the mechanism works.

To use SetupHelper, the script must be written to include CommonResources, 
then use the functions included in CommonResources to carry out the modiciations.

#### following lines incorporate SetupHelper utilities into this script
# Refer to the SetupHelper ReadMe file for details.
source "/data/SetupHelper/CommonResources" 

#### end of lines to include SetupHelper

A Venus software update overwrites any modifications to the root partition.
It is therefore necessary to reinstall the modifications following the Venus update.

Running setup for any package using SetupHelper will install the necessary code to reinstall packages
during system boot

Typically, rcS.local is used because it runs prior to starting services
   so conflicts with running services can be avoided
   (services don't need to be restarted after they've been modified)
   and if a reboot is required, it happens faster

If your setup script needs resources launched later in boot, change the following line in CommonResources




If you have already run any setup scripts and want to make this change, make sure to edit /data/rcS.local
to remove the call to reinstallMods or it will be called twice during boot!

reinstallScriptsList is a list of setup scripts, one per line that will be called from reinstallMods.
Scripts in this list are called EVERY time the system boots. 
The script must avoid repeating work if it can be avoided.
SetupHelper tools (CommonResources) handles this for the script write.

reinstallScriptsList is hard-coded to reside in the /data directory.
The location must match in CommonResources, and in reinstallMods
The file is created by the first setup script to add to it.

reinstallScriptsList should use full path names to avoid problems finding the script
Lines beginning with # or completely blank lines are ignored as is white space at begin and end

When the setup script adds itself to the script list, it includes "reinstall" as the first parameter.
When reinstallMods calls the script, it passes "reinstall" to the setup script so it knows not to prompt the user

When called from reinstallMods:
1)    The setup script must not require user input since there will be no user interface
2)    The setup script should not reboot the system directly
3)    The setup script should avoid reapplying the modifications.
4)    The setup script should avoid making calls to the internet as these could hang the system.

reinstallMods tests the exit code of each setup script.
An exit code of 123 signals that reinstallMods should reboot the system after all scripts have been run.

A "installed flag file" is used to make sure the automatic reinstallation occurs only once after a Venus OS update.

The presence of the installed flag file signals no further work needs to be done to reinstall the package

Running the script manually should typically ignore the installed flag,
but MUST create or remove it as appropriate to control future boot-time execution.

The installed flag file needs to be removed by a Venus OS update so that the script can do it's work again.
Therefore, installed flag files are stored in /etc/venus since a Venus OS update overwrites the entire dirctory.

The installed flag file should be tested early in the script to save time.

Installation choice may be required to control the installation of optional parameters.
These options are stored in /data/setupOpitons/[package]
This maintains the options through a reinstallation of the package.
optionsSet is set after an installation is successful. This enables package reinstallation.

A setup script needs to run manually to perform the initial installation or removal of the package.
In this case, user interaction is necessary at least to choose to install or uninstall.
The setup script also needs to run unattended when called from reinstallMods during system boot.
When run by a user, the scrit should prompt the user for neede information.
However, the call from reinstallMods also needs this information and the user won't be available.
Therefore the paremeters taken from user interaction need to be stored in persistent storage,
then recovered from that storage during the reinstall. 
The script's directory is a convenient location for persistent storage since /data survives a Venus OS update.
The $scriptDir variable is set up in CommonResources (see discussion below).
$scriptDir may be prepended to any persistent storage files.

CommonResources contains common functions and variables that can be used by all scripts,
    saving the setup script writer from lots of tedious work and also hooks scripts into
    the reinstall mechanism.

The tools CommonResorces provides are described now.

The following functions manage execution of the script and interfaces to reinstallMods which is run
    at boot from one of the /data/rc scripts:

    Sourcing CommonResources checks the setup script command line and the installed flag
    and sets $scriptAction based on what is found.
        If this is a boot-time reinstall, AND the installed flag is set,
            the script exits inside CommonResources.
        It is no longer necessary to test scriptAction for EXIT. In fact that value will never be used 
        If this a boot-time reinstall but the installed flag is NOT set,
            scriptAction is set to INSTALL.

    checkFileSets has been decommissioned - file set checks are now handled when CommonResources is sourced
        Attempts to create a file set for the current Venus OS version if it does not exist yet.
            If the original files match another version, the file set is created
                so the setup script may continue normally
            However, if the original files for this new version differ from all existing versions
                the new partial file set must not be used
                Flag files ares placed in the file set:
                    basename.NO_REPLACEMENT indicates a new replaement verion must be created manually
                    INCOMPLETE indiates the file set can not be used until issue are corrected
                scriptAction is also set to EXIT
                It is necessary for the user to create new replacement files manually
                    then rerun the setup script to install the package.
                    You can also revert to a previous Venus OS version until the package
                        is updated for the new version.
        checkFileSets no longer needs to be called in the setup script

        Function to finish up, prompt the user (if not reinstalling) and exit the script
        It updates the installed flag based on the $runAgain variable
            This script is added/removed from the reinstallScriptsList if installing/uninstalling, respectively
        If $runningAtBoot is true (false when CommonResources is sourced)
            the script will exit with $exitReboot if $rebootNeeded is true
            otherwise, the script will exit with $exitSuccess
            endScript NEVER RETURNS to the caller
        If $runningAtBoot is false (script was run manually), user interaction controls further action
            If $rebootNeeded is true, the function asks if the user wishes to reboot now
            If they respond yes, the system will be rebooted
            The user may choose to not reboot now if additional installations need to be done first
            If $rebootNeeded is false, the function notifies the user of any needed actions
        If $restartGui is true (false when CommonResources is sourced)
            the gui service will be restarted
        The following variables are available to control behavior:
            $scriptAction provides direction for the setup script and has the following values:
                NONE - setup script should prompt the user for the desired action
                    and set scriptAction accordingly
                EXIT - the setup script should exit immediately
                INSTALL - the setup script should execute code to install the package
                UNINSTALL - the setup script should execute the code to restore the Venus files to stock
            If installaiton errors occur within functions in CommonResources, scriptAction will be changed to UNINSTALL.
                The setup script MUST retest scriptAction after all installation code has been executed
                so the package can be removed, rather than leaving the system with a partially installed package.

            $rebootNeeded - true signifies a reboot is required after the script is run
                if $runningAtBoot is also true, the reboot is actually performed in reinstallMods
            $runAgain - true signifies startup script needs to be run again

 The following useful variables become available as well:
    $scriptDir - the full path name to the startup script
        the script's code can use this to identify the location of files that need to
        persist between reboots and through Venus OS updates
        It must be set in the setup script beause it is needed before sourcing CommonResources
    $scriptName - the basename of the setup script
    $reinstallScriptsList - the file containing a list of scripts to be run at boot to reinstall packages
        after a Venus software update
    $installedFlag - the name of the install flag files including it's full path
        User code may use these variables but should not change their value!
        It must be set in the setup script beause it is needed before sourcing CommonResources
    $venusVersion - the version of VenusOS derived from /opt/victronenergy/version
    $fileSets - the standard location for the replacement files
        equivalent to #scriptDir/FileSets
        Version-dependent replacements are stored in version subdirectories
        Version-INDEPENDENT replacements are stored in FileSets
    $pkgFileSets - is the locaiton of version-dependent files for the current Venus version
        equivalent to  $fileSets/$venusVersion
    $runningAtBoot - true if the script was called from reinstallMods (at boot time)
        signifying this is to be an unattended (automatic) installation
        CommonResoures sets this variable based on command line options
    $setupOptionsDir - the location of any files that control installation
        These options are maintained in a separate directory so reinsalling the package
        does not remove them so that a reinstall can proceed without prompting again
    $obsoleteVersion - if the package is obsolete, it can be prevented from installation
        at a specified Venus OS version

    $packageGitHubUser - specifies the GitHub user name to be used to fetch updates
    $packageGitHubBranch - specifies the branch to pull the update from
        Both of these need to be specified in the setup script to enable updates from GitHub and USB/SD media

The following functions update or restore Venus files to activate a package
they are intended to simplify common tasks, generally reducing many lines
to a single line that is easier to read/understand

The "active" file is the one used by Venus applications
It is backed up to [activeFile].orig in the same directory
Then a "replacement" file is copied into place and becomes the active file
Backups allow the stock functionality to be restored when the package is uninstalled

Replacement files are expected in the FileSets directory within the script's directory
If the replacement file content differs with VenusOS version,
subdirectories for each version hold the replacement files
If the replacment is independent of version, it can be placed in FileSets
The version subdirectories are checked first.

The version sub-directories also contain the stock files with their name ending in .orig.
These are used to look for a match within previous versions when a new Venus version is detected.
A new Venus version with matching files to a previous version updates the file sets automatically.
If the new version has different file content, replacement file(s) will need to be created MANUALLY.
This is typically easy by inspecting previous active and .orig files and the new .orig file.
The file set for the new version is flagged as INCOMPLETE and
will preven installation until the file set is complete and the INCOMPLETE flag is removed manually.

fileList contains a list of Venus files to be managed by this package. 
Packages may also contain files that do not exist in the stock Venus image.
These are NOT included in fileList!

obsoleteVersion is a file optionally contained in the package directory. 
It indicates a Venus OS version at which the package is no longer compatible. 
CommonResources prevents the package from being installed for the specified version and all those following it.

Use full paths/name for all files to avoid problems when running the script from other locations
such as the boot code, and quote them in case the names contain spaces.

Two flags are set by these routines in order for the setup script to detect changes
    $thisFileUpdated is true of the venus file was modified by the operation
        It can be tested following each update, copy or restore operation
        to determine the success/failure of that one operation
    $filesUpdates is true if ANY file is modified by any of these functions
        It can be tested at the end of the setup script to know if ANY file
        was modified to trigger restarting service or rebooting

Use updateActiveFile to replace the active file with a replacement from the package

    updateActiveFile replacementFile activeFile
    updateActiveFile activeFile
         First backs up the active file
            then copies the replacement version into the active location
        If called with two parameters
            the first is replacement the file (source)
            the second is the active file (destination)
        If called with only one parameter, it specifies the active file 
            the replacement file is selected from FileSets

    restoreActiveFile activeFile
        Moves the backup copy to the active location
        The first parameter is the name of the active file (the one to be restored to stock)
        The file with the same name with .orig at the end is moved
            to the active file
        If the backup copy doesn't exist BUT the noOrig flag is set
            the active copy is deleted to restore the system to stock

    A failure in updateActiveFile and copyToActiveFile set scriptAction to UNINSTALL.
        The setup script MUST then remove the package
        to prevent system instability from a partially installed package

The following functions simplify the task of getting user input

    standardActionPrompt displays a menu of actions and asks the user to choose
        It sets scriptAction accordingly and returns
        It also handles displaying setup and package logs then asks for an action again
        It also handles quitting with no action - the fuction EXITS without returning in this case
        The basic action prompt includes install, reinstall, quit, display logs (2 choices)
        A reinstall option is enabled if the optionsSet option exists
        When reinstall is enabled, selecting install, returns a scriptAction of NONE
        indicating additional prompting may be needed to complete the install
        At the end of these prompts, the main script should set scriptAction to INSTALL
        If reinstall is selected, the script action is set to INSTALL and the main script
        should then skip additional prompts and allow options set previously to control the install

    yesNoPrompt "question"
        Asks the user to answer yes or no to the question
        Any details regarding the question should be output before calling yesNoPrompt
        yesNoPrompt sets $yesResponse to true if the answer was yes and false if the answer was no

LogHandler is a logging and log display mechanism. It is sourced by CommonResources and also by reinstallMods
    Some executions of the setup scripts are during system boot
    where console messages are likely to go unnoticed (if they are visible at all).
    Boot-time scripts that output to the console are diverted to /var/log/boot,var/log/messages or dmesg,
        but these logs retain messages only from the last boot.
    A Setup Helper log is used to make messages from these setup acivities that are more persistent and easier to find.
    The setup helper log file is /var/log/SetupHelper (or $setupLogFile)
    In addition, some packages have their own log file and logging utilities here write to these logs as well
    Finally, when run from the command line, the console (stdout) is also available and provides the most immediate
        interface to the user.
    A tai64n timestamp is added to messages written to both log files.
    This timestamp can be converted to human readable form for display tai64nlocal 
    The script name is also written to logs

    logMessage "message"
        writes "message" the above places 
    displayLog logfile
        displays the last 100 lines of the log file
        $1 is the log file to be displayed. Either:
            $setupLogFile or
        The latter must be initialized in setup script code
        If no package log file exists, $packageLogFile shoudl remain null ""

Update handler
    SetupHelper checks for updates to packages from GitHub or USB/SD media.
    The GitHub updates can be automatic.
    When a package is installed, it addes the GitHub user and branch info to a file
        used by the automatic and manual updates.
    The defaultPackageList file is included in the SetupHelper package.
    The default is copied to the active location at /data/setupOptions/SetupHelper/packageList
        if it does not already exist.
    The active file can then be edited to control the updates.
    Package setup scripts should add lines to this file during installation.
    This is handled in endScript if the packageGitHubUser and packageGitHubBranch are defined in the script
    Some packages are included in defaultPackageList

    Normally, the current or latest branch is used to check for updates, but specifying a different branch
    or a specific version (of the form v2.3) can also be specified.
    A development branch should be used during package development to prevent affecting others using auto update.
    The repo version is compared with the installed version.
    If a version is specified for the branch, the package will be brought to that version
    regardless of what is currently installed.
    If any other branch name is used, an update will occur if the repo verison is numerically greater than the installed version
PackageList format
    The file consists of one line per package naming the package and specifying the GitHub user and branch, e.g.,

    SetupHelper         kwindrem    current

    Blank lines or those beginning with # are ignored
    A package can be manually added to this file, or updates disabled by adding a # at the beginning of the line.

packageVersions file
    packageVersions are maintained in a file and also placed in dbus Settings for display in
        the Package Versions List menu
    The reason for the duplicaiton is dbus access from unix shell scripts is very slow

    Whenever a package is installed, it compares its current version to the one in
    the /data/packageVersions file. If there is a difference dbus Settings are updated
    Do NOT edit this file!!!

Version numbers use the same syntax as Venus OS:
    v2.45 would replace v2.45~68 as test versions lead up to an eventual release are considered


Helper functions to simplify writing setup scripts that modify VenusOs functionality. The package includes automatic reinstallation of the package after a VenusOs update.






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